Hoping To see You Again

Start from the beginning

My stomach rolled over when I remembered that specific memory of him in that shop. But the most frightening part is that feeling of hope blooming inside my heart . I always try to fight away this emotion ....but I never could , each day for the past 8 years, I past that flower shop and always fail to go inside. Will today be the day I forget about him or the day we see each other again.

As the light turn green I pull over taking deep breath . I feel so nauseous and stress, I am hoping that today will be the day....but I am scared that I could be wrong....once again.

"make a fist with her hand while digging her finger nails in her palm"

I take a deep breath and start to make my way to the shop. When I got there I was greeted by this Asian Woman She smile at meet as the Asian man just nod and walk away as usual. I did not greeted them properly since  I was to focus looking around ---

"I sigh as I run my hand through my hair and hold my waist with the other hand"

AsianWOman: I guess you did not found what you came here for

" she said with a Korean Accent as I force a smile and walk to her"

Joyce:Hello Mrs Park, I will need another bouquet of flower

Mrs Park: are you sure ?

JoYce: "i look at her with a fake  smile" Yeaa of course

MrsPark: "leans against the counter as she approach Joyce more". what is it for?? Today is not your mom's or aunti birthday, is it another meeting, for decoration, an event??

she said while looking at me with a mocking smile

Mrs Park is always the one giving me flowers so she is used to see me around here.... alot, I have giving this woman so many excuse just so I could hide the real reason I am here. But I think she is slowly catching on.

Joyce: "chukkle" Noo..today I have a souper with my friends

MrsPark: Ahhh well I give you a beautiful bouquet just so it could set the mood

she walks away and come back with a beautiful pink and white bouquet

Joyce: wow they are beautiful ...How much

MrsPark: for you 20 $$

"I gave her 50 dollars cause she always try to lower the price for me"

Joyce: Mrs Park Thank you but I cant accept all of thoses discounts you are offering me

we started to go back and Forth with our money

Mrs Park: "Grab Joyce Hands" Gwenchana .....(It's fine) 

F L A S H B A C K•

He rushes to me quickly while letting his body hit the ground next to mine. He grab my hand and kisses repeatedly.

All I could see was his moving soft lips, his face was so delicate and fine. It's as if we drew him without neglecting any details. His black jet hair brings out his pale complexion and thoses small eyes captivate all of my attention.

???: Gwenchana?? " stare at her "

But what captivate my heart , was his way too look at me

F L A S H B A C K•

The way she look at me it's not the same as he did, but the feature resemblances was enough to make my heart sink. Memories of me and him together  start to flood my mind


MrsPark: Pleas just accept this i--

I quickly interrupted her

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