Oh, the things I had yet to show her ... If this was how adorably flustered she became at the mere mention of our sexual escapades in public, I could only imagine how deliciously she'd react to some of my more ... daring ideas. Like her being fully impaled on my cock during dinner, stuffed full and unable to move, commanded to behave normally. Something to try when her cousin was on watch perhaps ...

Resolute on ignoring me, Aelin faced Lysandra once more and attempted to get the conversation back on track. "And the second thing?"

Lysandra rolled her eyes and pouted in feigned annoyance but said, "I was also asked to deliver news ... and a warning of sorts, I suppose."

I felt the hair on the back of my neck prick. Whatever this warning consisted of, I didn't like the sound of it, the hesitation in the woman's voice setting off alarm bells.

"Nseryn finally convinced Chaol that freeing magic is for the best, and persuaded him to help you," she explained. I'd never heard of this Chaol before, but something in the way she said his name had me immediately wary. "He'll be over later today with some materials that may prove ... useful."

Aelin shot me a furtive glance, chewing on her lip. "I see," she murmured, "thank you for the heads up."

She was unnerved by something. The question was, was it the pressure of freeing magic - which I didn't even know she'd figured out how to do - or was it this Chaol?

Whatever it was, I'd have to discover it fast. Nothing was allowed to harm my mate, hell, I hated seeing her even marginally upset. She may have arrived her on her own, but she wasn't alone anymore, and I'd be damned before I willingly allowed her in harms way ever again.

My primal beast wanted nothing more than to wrap her in cotton wool and hide her away from the rest of the world, guarding her like the treasure she was. Of course, Aelin would never allow that, but the least I could do was track every potential threat to ensure it never touched my precious mate.

I became so lost in my thoughts as they spiraled that I barely noticed my brothers returning with Aedion - who was sporting a fresh bruise on cheek that we all pretended not to notice. Before I knew it, a haphazard lunch had been scraped together, and the seven of us stood around the kitchen counter, grabbing at the odd amalgamation of fruit, cold eggs, dried meat, pickled vegetables and bread.

Lysandra surveyed the offerings with a haughtily raised brow. "This is pathetic. Can't any of you cook?"

Aelin paused in swiping grapes from Cassian's plate and scoffed derisively. "It's not like they gave much warning ahead of their arrival to gather supplies. Plus, I'm pretty sure the three of them," she waved a hand over Cassian, Rowan and I, "only know how to cook meat on a stick over a fire. And the pampered high lord over there had an enchanted house to see to his every need."

Rhysand didn't even look up from his plate as he quipped back, "You seemed to enjoy the house well enough when it was plying you with chocolate hazelnut cake."

Aelin threw a grape across the room, hitting him squarely between the eyes. Lysandra snorted from where she stood beside Aelin, her silk dress rippling as she reached for some bread. "Pathetic – you're an utterly pathetic lot of supposedly esteemed and mighty leaders."

Aedion leaned forward, bracing his arms on the counter as something all too familiar gleamed in his eyes. "Make yourself at home, why don't you?"

The courtesan blew him a kiss. "Hello General. Good to see you're looking a shade fairer than when I saw you last."

Aedion would have his hands full with that one.

Then Lysandra turned her eyes towards the rest of us, eyeing our distinctly fae features with an avid, though not romantic interest. "I don't believe I've been properly introduced to the rest of you, though I know who you are. Her Queenliness is rather boorish at times, I fear."

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