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Natasha showed you through the house and as you went your separate ways instead of going up the staircase to the left you went up the right you headed up these hall were darker then the rest. Glass was sprawled on the floor from photos that used to hang on the same walls.

    After you'd refused dinner Bucky had stomped off to his office to drink away and build his irritation.

    He heard the creek of the floorboards outside the office door. He hadn't touched these halls since his family died years ago, though new furniture had been added but that was that changed in this part of the house. He got out from behind his desk to see who was up this way, the only people allowed even close to this side of the house were Steve and Sam (Though only in his office) He watched as a door opened and shut, that was his mother and fathers room.

    You walked into a room, it looked fairly old and the way it was decorated was out of date but gorgeous, for what it was. A photo of a man, woman and two children, a boy and a girl sat on the wall. You looked at it, then the door clicked open behind you, you turned to see Barnes staring at you, a dark look taking his features. "Get out." It was quiet.

    "I was ju-"

    He cut you off with a  harsh yell. "Get Out Go!" He knocked the large photo off the wall after hitting it.

    You ran past him and back triaging. "Y/n where are you going?" Natasha asked.

    "I have to go, I can't be here another minute." You ran out the front door and got to the gate. Someone must have opened it because it slowly slid open. Ran as fast as you could. Bucky's home must have been on the edge of Brooklyn because soon you found yourself in Queens.

    "What the hell did you do Bucky!" Natasha yelled as they got into the black SUV to go look for you.

    "I don't need to fucking tell you Natasha." He rolled his eyes. "She's got to be in Queens. Manhattan is too far to run to."

    Steve side-eyed Bucky. "If she's in queens you know May's guy's, won't give a second glance at her."
    Bucky sighed. "I know."

    You walked around trying to find somewhere for the night the problem was you didn't have your phone nor money and you also didn't know Queens as you'd been walking you'd been pulled roughly into an alleyway. You stared up at men who looked similar to feral wolves. "W-what do you want?" You asked with a stutter in fear. "Please let me go, I don't have money."

    "Don't want your money, girly." The one speaking to you pulled a knife out. "Don't worry if you give me what I want I'll let you go." He spoke smoothly, he stepped closely just as he was about to pull you close to him, you punched him across the face.

    The other two men with him grabbed a hold of your arms you kicked one of their legs out from under them. The first man recovered from the punch as you ripped your arm from there grips, and you ran out of the mouth of the alley and you ran down the street, you were yelling for help looking like a crazy person you knew they were chasing after you.

Bucky was being driven down one of the long streets, when he saw three men and you in front running, jumped out of the car and ran to get to them, Bucky pulled the man away from her throwing one to the ground, one grabbed you and held him in front of them as a shield, they had a gun and pulled it out in front of them and they shot a bullet at Bucky which grazed his shoulder. Bucky ripped the man away from Y/n, Bucky stabbed the man's neck, then the last of the three trying to defend himself with a knife and he landed a few stabs with it. Bucky grabbed it by the blade not caring about cuts; he's already been stabbed and grazed by a bullet. He stabbed the man with the knife, sending it through his eye socket. The first got back up pulling out another gun he shot him through the thigh Bucky turned around and pulled him forward by the gun and shot him between the eyes.

    Once Bucky got into the car he told Steve to call their doctor for the mob, Steve was told that he wouldn't be available for at least an hour. Once back at the mansion he slumped himself down in a chair, you'd have the correct materials to clean up the wounds. Bucky looked at you as you were trying to help you swiped alcohol on one of the wounds he had experienced pain before but he wasn't willing to look weak in front of you. So he showed anger. "That hurts!" He yelled.

    "Maybe if you held still it wouldn't hurt as much!" You yelled back. "God, I'm trying to help you." You said under your breath.

    "Well if you hadn't runaway this wouldn't be happening!" He yelled back at you.

    You glared up at him. "If you didn't scare me maybe I wouldn't have run away."

He looked like he was about to say something but he knew you were right but he still argued. "You shouldn't have been in that part of the house." He growled at you.

"You need to learn how to control your temper." You argued. "Hold still this might sting more, thank you for saving me."

"You're welcome." He huffed.

Brock was at the Starks' home when he saw Alex in the corner of his eye. "What's your plan, Rumlow? You're doing nothing to find my sister."

"You're the one who got her in the situation so maybe don't ask questions." Brock growled at the other man.

Bucky watched as you played with Nova, his Rottweiler in the garden, you wore an oversized green button down, with a matching headband and tan pants with white tennis shoes, he noticed you in the window of his office. Sam smirked, noticing the doe-eye look of his friend who was healing from a few days prior, he cleared his throat to get his attention. "Sam I-I've never felt this way before about anyone." Bucky looked away from the window. "I wanna give her something as a thank you for uh cleaning me up."

"Well she likes books, maybe show her the library." Sam offered shrugging.

Bucky thought for a second, before getting out from behind his desk and heading down stairs to the back garden he stepped outside.  "Y/n." He called out while walking towards you.

"Hmm?" You arched a brow.

"Come on I wanna show you somethin'." He told you as he began leading you back inside towards the same part of the house that he had originally told you not to go to. When the two of you had been met with double doors he was about to open the door. "But first I want you to close your eyes, I want it to be a surprise." You did as he told you. Bucky made sure your eyes were shut then he led you into the room and flipped on the lights.

"Can I open them?" You asked.

"Alright open them." You followed what you were told, and you were amazed by a large and beautiful library, you couldn't help but be amazed. "D-do you like it?"

You nodded. "I love it." You smiled at him.

"It's yours then." He reassured you. "God I haven't been in this room since I was seven-teen."

    You looked almost shocked. "What?" You practically yelled offended, Bucky looked at you with shock. "You haven't been in your own personal library since you were seven-teen?"

    "Well it was originally my mothers." He tried to explain. "And I haven't gone to much of this side of the house, since they've been gone only my office and room, and now the library."

"You and I are gonna read a new one every time we finish one, also I want to summarize what we read." You tell him.

"So we're doing English class now?" He asked.

You nodded."Uh-hmm."

"Fine." He smirked. "I'll go along if we get to choose our own books."

"Deal, but they have to be fiction or historical fiction." You set up your part.

Bucky nodded. "Alright." He smiled.

How Does A Moment Last Forever (Beauty and the Beast // Mob AU!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang