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You sat in the bedroom window seal looking out on the back yard, a brown and black Rottweiler ran around you laughing when it tripped over itself, you leaned your head against the wall behind you tears welled in your eyes as you thought of home, there was a knock on the door and you wiped away the tears. "Come in." You hoped it wasn't him; you didn't want to see him after the events of the day prior. It opened with a woman coming in, with a roll in try of breakfast though she didn't look like a maid or any house worker, she wore dress pants with black heels and a leather blazer with a white button up.

"Hi." She smiled. You looked at her through the corner of your eye, she was a gorgeous redhead. "Not talkative much are ya'?" She asked. "I just brought you breakfast. The boss wants you alive, not dead."

She turned to leave as she was about out the door, you spoke up with a soft. "Thank you."

"He's nice when he wants to be, you don't need to be scared." She said in a similarly soft voice like yours. "And you're welcome." She smiled before leaving.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked with a smirk. Sitting across from Bucky in a plush black leather and dark mahogany wood chair.

"What the hell am I going to do with her?" He said in thought.

"Hmm? I don't know, and this is a suggestion, did you ever think about maybe being nice to her?" The man offered sarcastically. Bucky rolled his eyes.

Tony had his men scurrying around for a way to get you back from Barnes, lucky for him there was one other man who would be willing enough to help, and he came to Tony in an elevator. "Stark?" Brock asked.

"Brock what are you doing here?" Tony asked.

"I came to give Y/n her book back. I finished it and she told me to give it back once I did." Brock lied he hadn't finished the book, and he also knew for a fact that you weren't there. Word of the princess of Staten Island making a deal with the king of Brooklyn doesn't go around quietly.

"Y/n isn't here she made a stupid deal with Barnes and now I have to find a way to get her back." Tony combed his fingers through his hair in stress.

"Well wouldn't it be great if I help you get your precious princess back." Brock offered.

Tony looked up, meeting brown eyes. "Y-you'd really do that?"

"Yeah." Brock would soon ask that if he helped get you back that he could marry you, a deal.

You dared venture out of the room that was yours, the house a buzz, as you walked around you found the redhead from earlier. "Good to see you out and about." She smiled.

"Yeah, how do I get to the back yard I was looking to go on a walk in the garden." You told her.

"Weren't you wearing that yesterday?" She pointed to the clothes, one sleeve having a bloody handprint on it left by Barnes when he led you to the car. "Do you wanna change?"

"I don't exactly have clothes here." You told her annoyance in your tone.

She looked at you with furrowed brows. "Did you look in the closet?" You shook your head. "Bu-James had his assistant, Wanda, get clothes for you before you got here." She informed you. "Why don't you get dressed in something clean."

You headed back up the stairs once back to your room you walked into the closet where a woman was. "You were gone and now your back? Ugh I was trying to sneak in here when you finally left, sorry i'm Wanda, I was just trying to make the closet look fuller and to get things you'd like." She sighed.

"Don't worry about spending anymore money it's not like I'm gonna be here much longer." You shrugged, grabbing a few items for an outfit.

"What do you mean, Mr. Barnes said that you were going to be staying with us for a while, is he letting you leave?" Wanda asked.

"Nope either my dad is gonna come save me or I'm gonna escape but we'll see what comes first." You'd changed quickly. "It was nice meeting you." You smiled at Wanda, before you took your leave.

You got down stairs and went down stairs. "Shall we?" The redhead asked.

You stepped outside and into the fresh air. The guard was beautiful even though a large wall sat in the back you scaled it up it was about seven or eight feet tall and you not being the tallest weren't sure how or if you could climb that. But that didn't mean you werent gonna try, and that's what you did was try you booked it for the wall bolting as fast as your legs could carry you before any of the body guards could catch you who stood posted in specific spots the wall was gray bricks you pushed you foot forward so you could jump up and over and you almost were you gripped the top and were about to pull yourself over when you were roughly pulled down, and you were brought face to face with Barnes once again his blue eyes shone with anger. He didn't say a word, he just crossed your arms across your chest and carried you inside, thrashing violently.

He took you to his study not his office and sat you on the dark brown leather couch and he sat across from you on a similar couch his chest heaved up and down in pure rage. "We have a fucking deal I expect you to keep your fucking end of it like I did."

You rolled your eyes. "Well what are you gonna do with me keep me locked up in this mansion even after you get married and have kids, what are they gonna call me 'Aunt Y/n' or ask who's that strange lady who lives here who isn't mommy? You're just gonna keep me here for no purpose at all, or are you gonna kill me?"

He huffed. "I'm not gonna kill you."

"Then what are you gonna do, wait till I go insane?" You asked.

"I-I'm still figuring out what I'm gonna do." He sighed. 

How Does A Moment Last Forever (Beauty and the Beast // Mob AU!)Where stories live. Discover now