Chapter 7

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Trevor came in and I gave him a look. He ran up to me and hugged me.

Trevor: Baby, I'm so sorry.

Me: Its fine. I don't want to talk about it.

He looked Guilty but faked a smile. I went in my room to get ready and then I hear a knock on my bedroom door.

Me: Im not ready.

Trevor: Can I come in ?

I sighed. He opened the door and sat on the beanbag while I looked for a shirt.

Trevor: Zendaya?

I turned around and looked at him 

Trevor: You have a nice body 

I smirked. He got up behind me and grabbed my waist.

Me: Trevor, stop I'm looking for a shirt.

Trevor: Relax, you can do that later.

He started kissing on my neck. It felt sooooo good.

Me: Trevor *gco*

I turned around and he tongue kissed me. I hate tongue kissing, so I bit his lip and he groaned.

Trevor: I like that.

He went on my bed, laying on his back and I got on top of him. Then he flipped me over and started kissing all over me. He started at my lips and then he went down to my ..... I tried to stop him.

Trevor: Can you relax? I don't want to have sex, just relax, okay ?

I nodded and trusted him. He took my pants off and then my panties. My leg started shaking.

He looked up at me and laughed. He sent kisses from my stomach to my kitty. Then he started licking it. I gasped.



We didn't have sex, you know. I don't want to move too fast in this relationship. And I definitely don't want her to think I'm using her. But boy oh boy she loved my tongue. I came out the bathroom and looked at her sexy ass laying in the bed.

Me: Bae.

Zendaya: Yes baby.

Me: You forgive me ?

She rolled her eyes.

Zendaya: A little.

Me: Okay thats not enough, get dressed.


I bought her out to eat and she slept over my house. I went into the bathroom and then I hear my phone ringing, when I got out the bathroom I see Daya with my phone in her hand. I walked over to her and it was "Bella" calling. I looked at Daya.

Zendaya: I want you to answer it.

Me: Baby chill.

Zendaya: I'm serious, I want to see what this bitch wants.

Me: That was your best friend, don't call her that.

Zendaya: WAS ! Answer the fucking call. Maybe she wants more dick. If you kept your fucking dick in your pants we wouldn't be in this situation.

I mumbled.

Zendaya: What ?

She said with an attitude.

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