"We gotta go. Now. Parrish has got the bodies." She heard another voice.

It was Stiles.

"Okay, wait up.. Stiles, wait." Theo said.

Hope sat slowly and looked out of the window. She was still weak and her head was spinning but she tried to got up.

"Parrish is out and he's got the bodies. We've got to find Scott. And we've got to tell him." Stiles said getting into his car.

"Stiles!" Theo shouted.

Stiles looked at him confused.

"I don't think Scott wants to talk to you right now." Theo said.

"Yeah, thanks, I'm aware of that. It doesn't matter. He need to know about this." Stiles said.

"Okay, that's enough." Hope mumbled and got out of the car.

Her sign was blurred and she could barely walk. She leaned towards the car's door. Whatever he stung her with, it wasn't good.

"Stiles... Scott doesn't want to talk to you. But I think your dad does." Theo said raising something.

It was Stiles's library key-card.

"Your dad was looking for you, Stiles. He found me instead." Theo said.

"Where is he?" Stiles asked.

"I covered for you. This was taken care of." He replied.

Hope took all her strength and started walking towards them. Stiles noticed and looked at her. Theo turned around and saw her too. He sighed.

"Hope?" Stiles walked towards her.

He held her so she won't lose her balance.

"What did you do to her?" Stiles asked.

"Just a little bit of vervain and a wolfsbane." Theo replied.

"I'm going to kill you." Hope's eyes started glowing, "Even though I'm not exactly in a good form right know."

"I liked you better with your humanity off." Theo said.

"I liked you better when you weren't trying to kill the people I love." Hope frowned.

"I didn't came here to kill them. I never lied about why I came to Beacon Hills. I'm here for a pack." Theo said, "I came for the werecoyote. The one whose first instinct is to kill. I came for the Banshee, the girl surrounded by death. I came for the dark kitsune, the Beta with anger issues..I came for The Tribrid with no emotions or regrets. The kind whose destiny is to destroy the world. I came for Void Stiles. That's the pack I want." Theo said.

Hope and Stiles looked at him upset.

"Unfortunately, it doesn't include Scott."

Hope could hear Stiles's heart beating really fast. She stood back trying to catch her breathe to fight.

"Your heartbeat's rising, Stiles. It's not because you're afraid. Nogitsune is gone, but you're still got more blood on your hands than any of us." Theo said.

"I'm about to get more." Stiles said.

Hope looked at her hands, trying to use her powers. She couldn't. She had a block. Exactly like Theo said.

"Hope can't use her location spell, but I'll tell you where your dad is, if you promise not to help Scott." Theo said.

Stiles looked at him angry and punched him. Theo turned to him smiling.

"There he is! That's Void Stiles. It felt good, didn't it?"

He punched him again, and Theo fell to the ground.

Hope started panicking. She just stared at her hands, trying to figure out something. Suddenly, she felt strength again.

"We won't tell Scott. 'Cause you can't lose your best friend. right? Even though we both know, you never needed him." Theo said.

Stiles looked at him and started running towards him, but Hope grabbed his hands stopping him.

"He's mine." She said with her eyes glowing.

Hope walked towards him and lift him up by his neck. He gasped for air and she squeezed his neck tighter.

"You hate me now, but you'll get it eventually." Theo mumbled, "This is the hard part. 'Cause you can't help Scott and save Stiles's dad's life."

She let go of him and fell to the ground breathing heavily.

"Tell me where he is and give me my powers back." Hope said.

"You still got them. It's just you holding them back." Theo replied, "You've still got time."

Hope looked at him angry and kicked him into his stomach.

"Stiles's not the one with  blood on his hands. But I am. And I'm going to kill you." Hope said with her eyes glowing, "After we save everyone like we always do."

"You can't help Scott. You have to find his dad."


Hope and Stiles ran into this room and saw Sheriff Stilinski lying on the ground. He had big wound and was covered in blood. Stiles ran to him quickly and grabbed his hand.

Hope looked at him worried and sat besides him putting her hands on his wound. She tried to heal him but couldn't.

"I can't. I.. I just can't." Hope started crying.

Stiles looked at her with tears in his eyes. He was scared.

"He's going to die, Hope. Please, save him." Stiles said with tears in his eyes.

Hope closed her eyes trying to concentrate. She just couldn't do it.

She looked at his dad and then at her wrist. She bit her wrist and put it on the Sheriff's mouth. Blood dripped into his mouth and he swallow it.

"Will it help?" Stiles looked at her worried.

"We have to got him into the hospital."


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