Part 2

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The next day, just after having a shower, Xie Lian got a text from Ming Yi: "I'm going to snatch SQX from his family's. You coming? Hua Cheng was out buying breakfast, and Xie Lian remembered he told him to stay away from these guys; in a split-second decision, he got dressed and left. He texted Ming Yi to pick him up at his station.

He felt bad, and tried to think of a really good excuse; he texted Hua Cheng: "Sorry I forgot I had plans to see someone about a project. I won't be long. Please stay and make yourself at home San Lang!" Hua Cheng replied, "Take your time Gege don't worry about me". Xie Lian felt much worse.

Ming Yi stopped by, and Xie Lian hopped on. His car was, of course, black, plain-looking, but with a powerful engine; he drove fast and confidently, not unlike Hua Cheng. They arrived at The Shi's, a huge house on a wealthy suburb surrounded by large green areas – people living here usually drove around in luxury cars anyway.

They stopped around the corner, and while Xie Lian was wondering how they'd contact Shi Qingxuan, Ming Yi looked at the rear mirror, and Shi Qingxuan himself showed up, dressed as if going out for a Sunday roast at the pub, running excitedly, beaming at them.

He dove on the back seat, "Thanks for coming guys!", he said, waving a paper, "Ming-xiong, you're so clever, I wanna kiss you".

"Fuck off", Ming Yi replied.

It turned out that, unable to text or call Shi Qingxuan, Ming Yi had sent him a letter saying he'd drop by that day and time. Xie Lian was amazed at how simple and efficient this plan was: who'd ever send a letter to a friend to arrange to hang out?

"I'm sick of being locked here like a madman. Let's go!"

They were passed by a flashy sport car; it was Pei Ming.

"Shit, he saw us! Come on Ming-xiong, faster, faster!"

"You think he's gonna give chase? You've been watching too much netflix", Ming Yi replied.

He looked at the rear mirror, and deftly turned here and there and took a totally different route out of Shi Qingxuan's neighbourhood.

"We can't go to my flat now, neither to yours. It'd be the first place they'd look for me".

Xie Lian said, "Let's go to my place. But what's the plan here? I mean... you're not actually on the run are you?"

"I have to get away from this place, so they see I'm fine, I don't need to be locked up", Shi Qingxuan replied.

"But The Reverend must still be around", Xie Lian reminded him.

"Ha! I don't have a phone. And you know what, it feels great", he said. Xie Lian and Ming Yi were shaken to the core: how could someone NOT have a phone?

"Anyway", he went on, "I'm getting some counselling, and life goes on, I can't run away from The Reverend forever".

"That's a good plan I think", Xie Lian smiled, approvingly.

They arrived at Xie Lian's place, and he gestured for them to walk in, take their shoes off, make themselves comfortable. When he walked in his bedroom, Hua Cheng was there, shirtless, wearing just jeans, drying his hair. Xie Lian didn't think he'd stay, and had quite a shock; his face burning at the whole scene,

"Don't look!"

Shi Qingxuan and Ming Yi looked at each other, and Shi Qingxuan said, "Hum, Ming-xiong, we're in the middle of something here. Let's go to the nearest Starbucks!"

"Nonono", Xie Lian waved his hands. "It's not like that! San Lang was just having a shower, I left him behind at my place to go and join Ming Yi!!!"

Hua Cheng went to the bathroom to put the towel away then returned to the bedroom, as if there was no one else there. Xie Lian said to him, "Can you just put some clothes on? P-please?"

He shrugged, "Alright", grabbing his red t-shirt on the top of the bean bag, and putting it on, slowly.

Xie Lian relaxed, got some beers he had in the fridge and put some music on; they just intended to pass some time till Shi Qingxuan could go to his flat. Shi Qingxuan wanted to know all the latest gossip going on at The Heavens, but Ming Yi, Xie Lian or Hua Cheng weren't the right people to ask.

Suddenly Xie Lian's phone pinged. It was Pei Ming.

"I knew he had seen us!", Shi Qingxuan said, looking annoyed.

"He's saying", Xie Lian read, "Xie Lian, I know you're the most sensible of the bunch..."

"Pffft, flattery", snorted Shi Qingxuan.

"It doesn't mean he's not right", Hua Cheng said, winking at Xie Lian.

Xie Lian blushed, "Please make Shi Qingxuan see he's not ok, and his brother is worried sick".

"I AM ok, thank you very much", Shi Qingxuan replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Tell him to fuck off", Ming Yi said, bluntly.

The phone pinged again. Xie Lian read, "Shi Wudu is passing through a heavenly tribulation, hosting an extremely important event for The Heavens".

"Heavenly tribulation?", Hua Cheng snorted. Hua Cheng was the only other person Xie Lian knew who didn't think The Heavens were a big deal, and didn't think he was a hot shot for attending it, just like himself - he just went there because of Jun Wu.

"This event is crucial for his career, but he can't focus with you going who knows where – he needs you where he can see you", Xie Lian concluded.

Now Shi Qingxuan seemed thoughtful, and said, "Well he IS hosting this event after all, and it seems like a big thing..."

"You're backing down then?", Ming Yi asked.

"Hum, I think it's only fair if I send word to my brother or something?", he replied.

After some messaging between Pei Ming and Xie Lian – on behalf of Shi Wudu and Shi Qingxuan, he agreed on going to The Heavens and staying at the event, so Shi Wudu would see he was safe and sound. They walked out to the front door to put their shoes on and leave.

Xie Lian was about to follow, when he heard a sigh behind him. "San Lang, I'm sorry. I know you told me to stay away and..." he said in a low voice, so the others wouldn't hear.

Hua Cheng smiled, "And I knew you wouldn't, if these guys called asking your help". He got up, and said, "Don't apologise. You can count on me remember? Just keep doing what you want to do". He put his jacket on, ready to follow Xie Lian too.

Xie Lian suddenly felt incredibly happy, and said, "San Lang, what's your favourite food?"

"Oh? Gnocchi alla Bolognese I think", he said, flashing a smile, and Xie Lian replied, "I'll cook you some when we're back!", and he smiled back.

Shi Qingxuan stuck his head through the door, and said, "Oi, lovebirds. Coming or not?"

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed some Hualian sweetness. If you did please vote, comment, follow me for more... 😍

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