The beginning

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This is a story of a 13 year girl, Selena. A cheerful, frank, open minded girl but something happened that just changed her life completely....

A simple yet intelligent young girl with a kind attitude living her life to the fullest. She had a best friend, Rhianna. She was also very intelligent, beautiful and cheerful. It's not like Selena didn't had many friends but this one person,Rhianna was closest to her heart. They were always there for each other no matter what happens. Calling each other with sweet and cute nicknames, sharing meals, stuffs and everything but as we all know happy moments don't last forever this beautiful bonding, relation also didn't last long.
As they grew older they start losing contact with other which didn't get unnoticeable by them. Selena used to do text her, call her, face time whenever she misses her but on the other hand Rhianna don't like these kind of stuffs. And now here comes a phase where Selena feels like Rhianna is ignoring her but nevertheless she just shrugged it off and kept motivating herself by saying "It's okay, she must be busy" but did i tell you this whole scenario was built during the time of lock down. Before lock down, covid everything was fine, this all happened after Covid hit the universe.

Well let's start from the beginning how this all happened-

Selena and Rhianna two best friends laughing and cracking jokes in the classroom and their mutual friends and classmates watching them in awe. Today was the first day of their new session class they were not nervous about it but super excited to see new students, teachers. They were both in the same class. "Good morning everyone" a voice startled them and then they quickly turned their head towards the direction from where the voice came and then they widened their eyes to see the class teacher. They were so busy in gossips and jokes that they didn't realize that teacher was there. "Sorry ma'am and Good morning" they both says to ma'am at the same time. Mrs. William chuckled and says, "Good morning, did i disturbed you both" they both just stayed at their place not knowing what to do or to say, they just looked at each other and then they hear from their teacher "It's okay, i am letting you go today cause it's your first day in new session" they both nodded their heads and then Rhianna says, "Thank you ma'am" on the other side Selena was too stunned to speak she was just in her own imagination place where she was struggling with her words but then suddenly "Ouch" Selena yelped after Rhianna pinched her arm to bring back her to the reality then she realizes that teacher was staring at her like she is going to eat her, gulping nervously, Selena said "I am sorry, just little zoned out" everyone laughed in the class including the teacher because of her reply. "Let's not waste our time and just start with your introduction"

"Myself Selena"
And you? Mrs. William asked Rhianna
Oh yes, my name is Rhianna..

"Okay, you both sit down without making any noise and everyone just take out you English textbook" says the teacher
After all this, the bell rang indicating that it's the time for their next classes. Everyone quickly rushed out of the class for their next class. And like this their whole study hours went.

Now it's Recess time
Eager to get away from the crowded cafeteria they found their favourite place under the tree where bench was placed.
But that place was also taken by some students
"Oh my god! Today is not my day i can say that now", Selena said to Rhianna

"Bestie, same here" was only she could reply to her but anyways they just leave that palce and start to find some other not occupied place and they successful found it.
"Finally!" Selena screamed
"Woah, calm down" her best friend replied
Now everyone was looking at them and giving them weird looks but they just shrugged it off and sat down on the bench.
"That was embarrassing" Selena fake cried
"oh please, less drama and more food" Rhianna said while rolling her eyes playfully knowing very well that she is acting.

After 4 hours...
"Wait for me!" Selena shouted
"At this point, snail would be the best companion for you because you are walking just like him slowly, slowly" Selena just looked at her best friend in disbelief.
"How could you- "
She was cutted off when Rhianna just dragged her to the ice cream corner because she knows very well that her best friend won't shut up. So she took her to that shop, made her sit there and ordered two butterscotch ice creams. Soon, the order was placed on their table.
"Better" Selena said while eating her ice cream. Rhianna just chuckled and ate her ice cream too after eating they both get out of the shop.
"Well now it's getting late, let's meet tomorrow" Rhianna said and then Selena just nodded with "okay"
And that's how their day went

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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