Part 25

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You had a great cruise with Jack. Let's just say not one night did you have a dull moment. Anyways it is two months after the cruise. And you have missed your period. You are going to go get some pregnancy sticks today while Jack is gone. You shouldn't be pregnant because you always used a condom. Well at least you think you did. You're not to sure about the very first time. You text Connor.
Will you drive me somewhere?
Sure I will be there in 10.
Connor pulls up to your driveway and honks. You run outside and get in.
"Where to?"
"Walmart, Walgreens, CVS. Whichever is closer."
"Okay. What do you need chocolate because it is that time?" He says laughing. You slightly laugh.
"Oh crap you aren't?..."
"I hope not."
"What happens if you are."
"I don't know. I am really scared Connor."
"I will stay with you."
You get the stuff and head back to your house. You head straight to the bathroom. You pee on like five sticks. You wait for the results. They turn out positive. You drop to the floor crying. Jack is going to hate you. You just ruined his career. He can't go sing now. All because of you. Connor apparently heard you drop to the floor and runs into the bathroom. He picks you up and carries you to the couch. He holds you.
"Do you want me to text the chat?"
You just nod your head still crying. The chat has all the o2l boys, Joe Sugg, Caspar Lee, Alfie, Marcus, Troye, Tyler, Zoe, Arden, Lauren, Jack (thatsojack), Jenn, Andrea, and lots more. Like almost all the YouTube community. When he sends the text you receive it immediately.
Y/N is prego.
You lock your phone after reading it. Almost immediately everyone is texting stuff like 'you better be joking.', 'shut up no she isn't.', or 'How do you know?'.
You text in the chat confirming the pregnancy.
Connor isn't lying guys. He knows because he was there and saw the results.
Then everyone that can says I am coming over. The people that can't says we are flying as soon as the baby is born. The fist person who shows up is Tyler. Then Bethany, Jenn, Arden, Andrea, and Lauren. Jack and the rest of the people that can come finally get there. They all comfort you till you say they have to go cause Jack is heading home. They leave and the. Five minutes later Jack comes home. He isn't in the happiest mood. He is very stressed.
"Hey babe." You say getting him with a hug.
"Hey p. I just want to relax. Why have you been crying?"
"Umm let's just go sit down."
"Okay but you will tell me why you were crying."
"I mean like right when we sit down."
"Okay." You guys sit down. You are laying your head on Jack's lap. He is playing with you hair. You breath hard.
"Okay babe why were you crying?"
"Don't be mad when I tell you this. I'm... I'm pregnant. Please don't explode on me. I will do whatever it takes to let you still have your career."
"You're what?!" He says standing up.
"Please don't be mad." You say standing up. Jack starts laughing.
"I'm so happy babe! I'm not mad. Why would I be mad?"
"Because you now are gonna have to take care of a child."
"I want to start a family with you. Maybe not this early but whatever! We are having a child!"
"Thank goodness you're not mad." Jack engulfs you in a hug.
"So that is why you have been crying is because you are pregnant?"
"I'm scared Jack."
"I know you're scared but we have to be brave."
"I know."
"Well let's tell everyone!"
"Everyone as in?"
"Like our friends."
Jack texts the guys and you pretend to text the others. But you do text Jordan.
I'm pregnant.
I call being the fairy godmother. But I won't grant that child wishes. I will just wear like fairy wings and stuff around the kid.
Wtf? Please don't.
Nope when that kid is born I will be in a fairy costume and sprinkle that kid with fairy dust.
You show Jack the texts between you two and he laughs his butt off. Pretty much all your friends know. Jack has called his mom and told her. You just have to tell your family. You call Dylan.
"Hey sis!"
"Hey Dyl. I have some exciting news!"
"What is it sis?"
"I'm pregnant."
"Congrats sis!"
"Thanks Dyl."
"Well hey I know it is only nine in Cali but it is like midnight here. So I love you."
"Love you too."
You then call your mom.
"Hey I'm pregnant."
"Okay good job."
Wow she was rude. With that your day is over.

Jack Johnson imagineWhere stories live. Discover now