8. Life of the party

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and engulfed her in a bear hug, she tried to escape and shouted at him but he didn't budge and sang her the happy birthday song Go-woon finally stopped struggling to get out of his grasp and started laughing at his brothers nonsense, everybody joined in and sang her the birthday song, it was such an adorable sight like a clown entered a little girls birthday party bringing it back to life,

Ji-ah chuckled at this, she was glad to be a part of it. Then he started teasing halmeoni calling her by her first name and engulfing her in a bear hug as well. "Seo jun-ah have you introduced yourself to Ji-ah?' his mother asked him "Omma! we're in the same class" han seo-jun stated completely ignoring her presence in the room "Really? then you should look out for her arraso?" Mi Hyang told his son "Look out for her? I have more important things to do" he said it as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "You have time to mess around on your bike all the time "

"I don't ride it anymore' He said being all defensive,Ji-ah was really surprised at how easily he lied to his mom.

"Anni ! Oppa was riding it yesterday" Han Go-woon spoke and Ji-ah wanted to appreciate her, serves him right she thought as she snorted, Han seojun glared daggers at her and pointed his finger at Ji-ah "She made me do it?" he put all the blame on her,

Ji-ah's eyes widened at this and she started shaking her head to show her disagreement "Stop lying will you?" she hissed, halmeoni and Mi Hyang were looking at both of them their eyes shifting from han seojun to Ji-ah every second

"I'm not lying here have a look at this, she asked for the bike" han seojun showed her the pictures of Ji-ah he clicked in which she was sitting on his bike and in the other photo she was taking off the helmet. Halmeonim and Mi Hyang were staring at the phone screen, their eyes about to pop out though Go-woon seemed uninterested she knew her brother better.

Ji-ah was not expecting that he will actually show those photos to halmeoni, she thought that he will keep them to tease her. Aisshh! this lying jerk. She decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. She switched into defensive mode, changing her expression into those of an innocent girl who is just about to cry

" Yah seojun-ah! You promised you won't tell them if I didn't tell them about your exam scores" she spoke in such an innocent tone, pouting her lower lip that anyone would believe her.

Han seojun: "Seo jun-ah?"

Mi Hyang: "Exam score?"

They both said at the same time with horrific expressions, Ji-ah ignored what han seojun said and focused on his mother "Dae! we had an exam a few days ago and I got 3rd rank -she bragged- but he barely got 50% and he didn't even study, just marked 3 for every option" she said waving her hands here and there as she spoke in a disappointed manner,

Han seojun was so shocked that couldn't comprehend what to say, he looked like a pray facing it's predator "He was so sad about his scores so I just wanted to cheer him up sorry emmo!" she said looking down at her feet trying to hide her evil grin.

"Han seojun you promised you won't ride it anymore and you are blaming her? She just started living here how is she supposed to know that it's dangerous ?" Mi Hyang scolded han seojun and he was just trying to get rid of this conversation, she caught him in his own trap.

He kept glaring at Ji-ah and looking at halmeoni with pleading eyes to save him "Yah Omma! ok ok, I won't ride it again ok?" He tried to reassure his mom "Ani! I'm not buying it again you said the same thing when I met Lim ju gyeoung , Ji ah-ya! you are going to tell me about his studies at school and if he rides his bike to school again ok?"

"Dae!" Ji- ah said, han seojun was fuming, he would eat Hwang ji-ah alive if he could "Yah! cut the crap already" he hissed in her ear "You started it" she whispered at him with a huge taunting smile. They both were busy in a glaring competition

when Go woon spoke up "I'll just go get dressed up, get ready with the gifts ya'll" Halmeoni interrupted her "Go woon-ah ! please take your uni as well and make her look presentable" oh there she goes again Ji-ah rolled her eyes at halmeoni's words, Han seojun got the chance to butt in "yeah! turn this dude into a girl" it was such a lame remark ji-ah thought

"But omma! you said it's a family gathering I should feel at home shouldn't I?" she tried to reason with her halmeoni and fortunately mi Hyang is on her side "Absolutely if you feel comfortable in what you are wearing than so be it, you look pretty anyway" Ji-ah smiled gratefully "Omma! is your eyesight ok? Han seo jun said trying to have a look at his mother's eyes,

 "But omma! you said it's a family gathering I should feel at home shouldn't I?" she tried to reason with her halmeoni and fortunately mi Hyang is on her side "Absolutely if you feel comfortable in what you are wearing than so be it, you look pret...

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she swatted his hand away, Go- woon pulled Ji-ah along with her and went to her room, Ji-ah helped her to get ready, on go- woon's request Ji-ah let her hair loose.

After the birthday girl got ready, they went back to the living room where everything was already arranged on the center table, Han seojun noticed the little change in Ji-ah's appearance, her long black hair falling on her back in perfect ringlets, she looked better with her hair open.

Go- woon cut her birthday cake, with everybody singing that birthday song, han seojun couldn't keep his nonsense in control and smudged his sister's face with cake soon it turned into a childish cake fight and somehow Ji-ah got involved in it, all of them were laughing their heart out they made Ji-ah happy effortlessly and she was grateful.

Finally, it was the time for birthday gifts han seojun gave her the tint he bought for her with ju gyeoung , go woon was happy to accept it but she didn't forget to mention how she is not going to rely on makeup any more thanks to her uni and seo jun's gaze automatically moved to ji-ah.

She was holding her gift in her hands nervously she gave it to Han go-woon wishing her a very happy birthday. Go-woon opened up the package her mouth was hanging open, her eyes lit up with excitement "Omo! It's gorgeous " she pulled the painting close to her chest, Ji-ah finally let go of the breath she didn't know she was holding

"Do you like it?' she asked' " dae !Gumawo uni! it's the best birthday present ever ohh! I look so pretty and i look like myself, how did you manage to paint this is your hand magical" she grasp her hand and kept looking at it weirdly ji-ah chuckled at her reaction

"I'm going to hang it in my room and I'll show everyone at school and I'll post it on my social media, you'll see you'll get so many orders but don't forget my commission arraso ?" Go-woon kept on blabbering and taking photos of the portrait.

The ease and satisfaction on Ji-ah's face didn't do unnoticed by han seojun, all the sadness related to his conflicted love life was not even at the farthest corner of his mind anymore.
I can't wait for the premier of Why Oh sojae. Hwang In youp will get his girl this time😉

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