The Age Of Innocence.

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When the world had ended, you had been deployed to the US from Britain as an Army Nurse

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When the world had ended, you had been deployed to the US from Britain as an Army Nurse. You as did your fellow soldiers were sent to Fort Benning, a US army post. 

First, they sent in high-schoolers, then they brought in the sick people, then they brought in the innocents, that's when it started to fall apart. The collapse of democracy within society.

"We have to do something.." you sigh, leaning forward and propping your elbows on the work-bench, you let your face fall into your hands and slide your fingers back into your expectedly damp hair from where you had previously showered. Cris, an infantry soldier who you had been introduced to suddenly a few weeks back when he had been sent into the infirmary to be treated for a gunshot wound speaks up, in favor of your statement, "I agree with CL, I can't stand seeing those kids locked up's eating me from the inside." As he gets to the end of his sentence his arms tighten around his chest, he glances at the other three at the bench.

His eyes fall particularly on Tessa, you knew how much Tessa's opinion meant to Cris, she was in a pretty serious relationship with a guy you all knew from camp, Kai. He suffered a fatal injury on the battlefield months back and since then, he made sure to stay by her side. You all did, you knew she was fragile and she needed to be tended to, a lot.

"He wouldn't want this...I mean, we must save people, fight for something, we're going against everything we pledge for, fight for. He didn't die for nothing.." She continued, nervously her hands finding the annoying strands of hair that came loose from the tight bun this morning and tucking them behind her ears. "Whatever we got to do, whatever we have to do...I'm in for it."

The overall majority vote was that you'd draw up two plans and vote. Plan A: you'd befriend one of the Electronic Technician Apprentices and learn how to control the electric doors to the cages they isolated people in, unlock the doors, but before then, they'd pull the emergency alarm for the soldiers which will draw them out, then BAM, go time baby.

But realistically speaking, there were hundreds of kids and people here. You had settled on looking out on certain kids, seeing which ones you could get out, however many you could rescue. Take them to wherever they'd be safe if it was even safe anywhere anymore.

Roughin' It Out, Livin' It Up. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin