Chapter Three: Operation Cobra

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It's been months since I last saw my baby boy. His body just disappeared all of a sudden when I put the unconscious seal on his back. I was so devastated, sad, and in pain, my baby is out there, by himself, thinking I betrayed him and send him away.

The seal I placed on his back was unconscious but with something else, it was supposed to let him go to sleep for 24 hours while his mind was put in a different plane, of sorts. It was supposed to give him a full 24 hours to himself so he can relax and be comfortable.

But after I placed it in his back, a black hole of some sort appeared under him and swallowed his body and closed it before any one of us could get there. His sisters were a mess, they cried and cried for him to come back, they blamed me and Minato for this, saying that we sent him away.

After that, they never wanted to talk to us again and it hurts to see them looking at me with those hateful eyes and the judgmental way they behave to us.

I was in his room, curled up on his bed, and had one of his unwashed doctor jackets. I was snuggling it while taking whiffs of it, taking in his natural scent of oranges and medical support. This was the only thing I have that reminds me of him.

Minato: Kushina, you in here?

I heard my the timid voice of my husband, who just entered the room with a paper seal in his hands. I turned around on the bed and got up after he was sitting on the bed next to me. I got up and wiped my tears

Kushina: What is it Minato?

I asked him after wiping my tears.

Minato: Well, I might have a way for us to find Naruto, it's not a full way but I think it can work.

He showed me the seal in his hands that had the Kanji for 'location' in the middle of it.

Kushina: What does it do?

I asked him after taking it, my hope of my baby boy returning, coming back up.

Minato: It possibly connects to his eyes, let us see what he sees maybe determine where in the nation he is and maybe find him.

My eyes widen as I looked at this seal in my hand, could this find my baby, could this tell me where he is, where he went, what he sees?

Kushina: How does it work?

I asked, eager to start this seal so I can find my baby boy.

Minato: Place it on the wall and apply some of Naruto's chakra to it and it will do the rest.

I stopped, we don't have any chakra or residue of his chakra to put in the seal.

Kushina: We can't, we don't have anything of his chakra and he doesn't have any of our chakra signatures either, I'm not going to see my baby.

I slumped to my knees, in tears again as the only reasonable way to find my only son is not going to work.

Tsunade: Oh for good grief woman, if you want Naruto's chakra here.

She said and toss a seal to me after coming into the room. Her eyes were red and had bags under them, indicating crying and no right sleep since she was just like his sisters, she cried and cried for him to come back, just like they did, she still has hope that he will, her bond with my baby is something I want, something I should have but I can't.

Minato: Mother, what are you doing here?

Tsunade: I came here for some peace and to try and be near something familiar to my grandson, I miss him so much, working at that stupid hospital all day without him there to liven it up is just depressing, I see his face everywhere I turn and I want him back.

Transported To World War IIDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora