A Very Good Night

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After a long day, all Sean wants is to lay in his bed, and try to go to sleep, although he's still not tired yet, so it's pretty hard for him to do so. He tried changing positions, listening to relaxing music, thinking of random scenarios to make him fall asleep but, it still didn't work.

Sean was done trying, so he grabbed his phone, and scrolled through GachaGram, watched GachaTube, listened to music once again, but none of those seem to be making him tired.

Sean's P.O.V:
Gosh, how am I not tired yet? I'm usually asleep at 9 or 10 pm, it's 11:30...

After a while of trying to sleep, Sean decided to chat with someone.

Sean's P.O.V:
Hmm... Who could be awake at 11pm?

He scrolled through his contacts. He stopped when he saw Jake's number.

Sean's P.O.V:
Hmm Maybe Jake's awake.

Sean texted Jake. He said...

Message Sean: Hey, Jake! :)

After 5 minutes of waiting for a response, Sean thought Jake was already asleep.

Sean's P.O.V:
Oh he's probably asleep already-

Sean heard the sound of his phone notification.
He was surprised to see that it was a message from Jake.

Sean's P.O.V:
Oh, I thought he was already asleep...

Without hesitation, Sean opened the message.

Message Jake: Hey!

Message Sean: I didn't expect you to respond, I thought you're already asleep.

Message Jake: I was trying to sleep, but I can't, for some reason, I'm still not tired.

Message Sean: Yeah, same

Message Jake: Maybe we could chat for awhile.

Message Sean: Sure! How are you?

Message Jake: I'm good, I guess. How 'bout you?

Message Sean: I'm pretty good.

Message Jake: How was rehearsals?

Message Sean: It went fine. We perfected our timing.

Message Jake: Oh that's good!

Message Sean: Tbh rehearsals isn't the same without you...

Message Jake: Aww, does the blackberry miss me?

Message Sean: Blackberry?

Message Jake: You remind me of a blackberry haha.

Message Sean: lol That's cute

Message Jake: Yeah, I guess.

Message Sean: But yeah, I miss you rehearsing with us.

Message Jake: Me too, Sean, being in the club was amazing, if I could just turn back time, I would stop myself from all that terrible things I said.

Message Sean: Don't be too hard on yourself, Jake

Message Jake: Wait, if I'm out of the club, then who's gonna be the singer?

Message Sean: Oh Zander convinced Hailey to sing, although Hailey's still pretty nervous.

Message Jake: Oh...

Message Sean: No worries, Jake, we'll be ready for the competition.

Message Jake: You guys will do great!

Message Sean: Hehe thanks! That means a lot.

It was silent for a while, until Jake texted back.

Message Jake: Hey, Sean

I'll Never Leave ( Jake x Sean )Where stories live. Discover now