Chapter 2 - Failure - Call

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     The bus to the Magisterium was rather uneventful it was basically Call sulking all the way there and a few people telling him everything his dad ever told him was a lie... That magic wasn't to blame for his mothers death.. When Call was a baby his mother was killed, but at the time of his mothers death Call was in surgery which was ultimately not very successful, because of that he had to walk with a limp for the rest of his life. Call didn't know how in the world he was picked by a master... "I tried to fail" He thought to himself all the way to the magisterium.

     The outside of the Magisterium was in the middle of some forest or at least that's where the bus parked they followed a short path up to the base of a mountain where sat a large door, on the door written was "Fire wants to burn, Water wants to flow, Air wants to rise, Earth wants to bind, and Chaos want to devour."  Call thought this was interesting and the door was made of a dull but yet still beautiful metal. One of the masters (this one he recognized from the bus) walked up to the door and held up their hand to it, the large door slowly opened... Almost like the curtains rising at a school play, slow and dramatic. All of the apprentices were split into groups and were required to follow their master, Call's was Master Rufus.

     Call and two other students Tamara and Aaron were following Rufus down paths with walls covered with stone and small ponds at the edge of the path with strange eyeless fish in them. Not the Master nor the apprentices talked on the way to their dorm rooms, eventually they made it to a door in which Master Rufus but his wristband up to the door then it opened. Finally one of them spoke, it was the girl, Tamara. "When are we going to get our own wristbands?" She said almost slight dumbfounded by everything. "Very soon" Master Rufus responded before leading them to the counter in the corner of the room, it was made of a beautifully shiny marble material. Master Rufus pulled started to make something it looked like, peanut butter sandwiches?

"Think of your favorite foods" Master Rufus said as he started to speak. "And I will turn the sandwich into it." Call had a hard time believing wondering if the Mages could read his minds and the minds of the other students. Call tried to think of just one food but he really struggled to pick one and before Call could pick Master Rufus raised his hand up. The first sandwich began to change quickly (this was Aaron's dish), it turned into a bowl and some type of cup, inside the bowl laid Macaroni and Cheese with bread crumbs on top of it, in the cup there was some kind of amber liquid, one could only assume it was apple juice.

Aaron looked down astonished "Is it real?" He said and Master Rufus responded with. "It's as real as the sandwich in which you can recall the fourth Principle of Magic - You can change a thing's shape but not its essential nature"  Next it was Tamara's turn her sandwich turned into a big plate of sushi with a lump of some green stuff on one end and a bowl of soy sauce on the other, along with this plate there was a second plate this one holding three round pink mochi balls, in her glass she received green tea, Tamara looked like she was the only one who would enjoy it as the two other boys stared at it. Finally it was Call's turn, when Call reached for the tray it really became his favorite dish - Chicken Fingers with ranch dressing for dipping, a side bowl of spaghetti with tomato sauce, and a peanut butter sandwich with cornflakes for desert. In his cup he had hot chocolate. Call decided to ask his big question before he ate which was. "Is there a way I can call my father?" "Because I don't have a phone or anything like that" Master Rufus responded surprisingly calmly "Cellular devices do not work in here since we are so far underground, and we do not have a landline, here and most other places we use elementals to communicate, furthermore it is probably best we give your father some time to adjust before we contact him." Call was not super pleased with this answer but he decided against arguing. Master Rufus started off again. "I expect the three of you to be up and dressed at nine tomorrow, and I expect you all to be sharp-witted and ready to learn." "Also your uniforms and wristbands will be in your rooms, you will be expected to wear your wristband everywhere you go seeing as it is your key to every room in this facility." After Master Rufus left the room the three of them went their separate ways obviously tired and hungry from the bus ride here, Tamara went to the couch and the two boys stayed at the counter to eat. Everyone ate in silence with the occasional glances at one another. 

Once they were done they all headed to their rooms for the night, Call still holding the knife his dad had thrown towards him once he had been chosen at the trial. Call's room was average sized and had a small closet and a large king-sized bed right in the center, right next to the bed was a nightstand (where call set down his knife). Call sat down at the bed to tired from the day to undress quickly before he fell asleep he inspected the wristband and his uniform setting those aside for the morning. Laying down his head for the first time in hours Call fell quickly and quietly asleep.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots of fun writing this one also wrote it at about 1 AM so if the end feels a bit rushed I'm sorry, anyways thanks for reading!

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