Chapter 1 - Victory - Tamara

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     It had all come down to this, all of her studying and practice had led to this very moment... The Iron Trial, the "tests" where one could get into the Magisterium all she had to do was do everything perfectly and she was sure to get in... Right? I mean there was no chance that they didn't let her him mainly because of her bloodline, though she wasn't sure who would pick her.

     Tamara saw many familiar faces at the Iron Trial mainly Jasper DeWinter who has been one of her life long friends. Other than the people she recognized their were also people she had never seen before for seme reason one in particular caught her eye, he was a around the average height for someone his age though he looked slightly uneven, he walked with a light limp and he had messy black hair with gray eyes or so she remembered before she was quickly rushed off to her first challenge. Her first challenge was simple, or so it seemed... She was put into a room sort of like a gymnasium she had seen in a movie once before, in the middle of the room was a rope she knew that before she went on the rope it would be best to wait until after someone else went so she could inspect the challenge.

     Someone else volunteered almost immediately to try to climb the rope but as they climbed the rope seemed to get longer and longer and Tamara finally figured out what the challenge was, they had to climb the ever growing rope. Only a good few people were able to clime all the way up the rope and hit the bell that was waiting ever so patiently at the top, once it was Tamara's turn she thought that she had done enough studying of the rope and how it worked now she was ready to test her theory. She unlike most people appeared to be able to climb the rope with ease but for her it was one of the most physically and mentally exhausting experiences of her life although she did make it to the top.

     After that she went to her second trial which oddly enough was just a room filled with desks. She noticed strange ink all over one of the desks and from said ink she was able to determine that they were going to be writing something... Once she had the paper, which she had recently learned is a test she filled it out, fast and precise sure she aced it she gave the paper to the Master and moved on... Well not moved on per say but she had to wait for others to get done, everyone to get done.

     The other tests were but a breeze for her and when she went out to go back to her parents she was able to see that she got top marks on almost all of the tests. When she went up to her parents they didn't even say a word to her just motioned for her to sit down and wait. Sooner or later of her peers had left the trials and sat down with their parents, she heard rumors of a kid who exploded ink all over another kid a little bit before, she figured that was where the ink came from on the desk.

     Once the time came for the Masters to choose their apprentices there were two apprentices at the top of the Tamara and another of her peers named Aaron Stewart. The first master to choose their apprentices was Master Rufus, the most prestigious master in the entirety of this Magisterium. Master Rufus Started to call out his names... "Aaron Stewart" he said instantly followed with applause, "Tamara Rajavi" he called out next Tamara felt as though she were being showered with applause as she walked up to join Aaron next to her new Master. The final name that Master Rufus had called out was strange to Tamara... "Callum Hunt" the master said though instead of applause their were gasps people were shocked by this... They had a right to be Callum was at the bottom of all the students on the board.

     Though the adult who was with Callum did not want to let him go to the Magisterium Call was eventually standing there right next to Aaron and Tamara. The adult made a whole show that went to fast for Tamara to even understand what was happening. Call just so happened to be the random boy that she noticed earlier. After all of the rest of the masters choose their apprentices all the students were loaded onto a bus and shipped all the way to the Magisterium. 

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