↳ch 11 ;; beware the tale •°. *

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The Demon Hunters, as they've decided to dub themselves, were on the public bus driving to Eyra

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The Demon Hunters, as they've decided to dub themselves, were on the public bus driving to Eyra. They had all huddled in the furthest corner of the vehicle and sat hunched together whispering the beginnings of a plan.

"Ok, so we sneak through the back door and we run around until we find the book, that's the plan?" Daxelle asked.

"Technically, Adahlia should know her way around so we're not completely hopeless," Avanth added.

"Wow, what a wonderful point. It's not as if we don't know where the hecking book is," Daxelle said sourly, sarcasm dripping off every word. Avanth rolled his eyes and slumped back into the back row of the bus. 

He blew the stray hairs off his forehead, "We'll figure it out."

"Yeah, after we're dead. I've heard the underworld gives a lot of time for self-pondering," Daxelle followed suit and leaned backward, tilting her face up at the ceiling of the bus to release a deep breath. 

Everyone else's mind was elsewhere, Zadyn preferring to think in peace, Iaelie murmuring nonsense, and Adahlia just straight up not feeling like participating.

After the librarian had whispered the sacred name of the book that holds the information they need, Avanth immediately asked her about the book she stole from the museum before she could shush him. Of course, Zadyn knew she was part of the Night Slayers cult so everything was pieced together and now she was heading back to the people she despised.

She had no idea why Crescent had asked her to steal the Demon Spell, but she knew the general area where the book would be stored. Crescent wouldn't dare let anyone else near it before the meeting with the Night Slayer heads in a month so it would be in her quarters.

The problem was that she owned four different rooms for four different purposes. One room for sleeping, one room that worked as an office, one room for personal entertainment, and the other room's purpose was never specified but it was rumored that the final room was where Crescent met with her lovers.

That was probably just gossip, Crescent had never seemed like the type.

Zadyn glanced over at her, his eyes unreadable. "Do you know who has the book?"

Adahlia itched under the attention of everyone around her. "Um, probably Crescent."

Daxelle cocked her head, "Who?" 

Fidgeting, Adahlia explained the hierarchy of the Night Slayers, how they worked, what their purpose was, where their main hideout was—everything needed to know for this heist to succeed.

It was ironic, wasn't it? Adahlia was going back to steal something she had stolen before.

"How are you even associated with the Night Slayers?" Daxelle asked in a hushed voice. With a swift glance around the bus, she made sure no one heard before continuing, possibly knowing the consequences of using the infamous cults' name. "Even from where I'm from, I've heard faint whispers of their name."

scars of magic ⸺ 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now