↳ch 6 ;; strong and weak •°. *

26 9 42

"Wha—" Adahlia started as the final traces of Avanth's dark magic left the room, black swirls flying out the window

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"Wha—" Adahlia started as the final traces of Avanth's dark magic left the room, black swirls flying out the window.

"I—I thought you were going to sleep . . ." Avanth said quietly. She glanced at the disappearing wisps of dark smoke drifting on the lake and turned back towards Avanth.

"What was that?" she asked.

Avanth dropped his gaze and watched the dark wood floor, "It's just my magic." She glanced back out the window where there was only moonlight reflecting off the surface of the lake and back to Avanth's downward gaze.

"Black . . . smoke?" she asked, knowing the expression on Avanth's face would lead to something bad if she said anything wrong. 

"Um, no," Avanth glanced at the half-washed plate of spaghetti and sighed. "It's—I'm not really sure how to explain it but it's . . ." He took in a deep breath and Adahlia could see how much this was bothering him.

"If you don't want to tell me, that's ok," she said and Avanth glanced up at her.

"You sure?" Avanth's face was washed over with relief when she nodded. "Yeah, sorry, no huge dramatic reveal moment."

Adahlia laughed, breaking the tension, "Yeah, that would have to happen when I know you for more than ten minutes." Avanth cracked a grin at that. He turned back to the sink and scrubbed at the plate stained with tomato sauce.

"Well, good night then." Adahlia started for the doors.

"'Night," Avanth said, still facing the window.

When she finally got to her cabin and opened the front door, she felt the small reverberation of a small earthquake and the faint sense of otherworldly eyes upon her.

. . .

"What—what is that?" Daxelle asked as Adahlia entered the training ring.

She shrugged at her unicorn headband, "This headpiece is the embodiment of mythical beings and as we are currently practicing the art of magic, unicorns are the perfect spirit . . . bringer."

Iaelie snorted and stretched out her arm to touch her toe, preparing for a physically painful day it seemed.

Daxelle rolled her eyes but rolled out her head and wrists.

A quick glance around the ring showed Zadyn leaning against one of the supporting beams. He caught her eye and offered a half-smile.

Deciding not to abandon her fellow Fae-person, she walked across the sand-based floor of the ring and leaned against a neighboring pole that surrounded the training field.

"How's your leg?" she asked.

Zadyn shook out his leg and only winced slightly, "It's better." Adahlia nodded. She was about to say some random inspirational crap but saw Avanth walking with Gwydion towards the ring. Zadyn stood up straighter and tried to hide his grimace when his arm knocked into the beam he was leaning against.

scars of magic ⸺ 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now