↳ch 8 ;; immortal cities •°. *

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"Give me back my fry or I will fry you," Daxelle snarled

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"Give me back my fry or I will fry you," Daxelle snarled. She snatched her waffle fry back from Iaelie who shrugged and motioned towards the mound of potatoes on Daxelle's plate.

Iaelie sighed, "Can you believe we've only been here a week?"

Adahlia threw a grape into her mouth, "Nope. I mean, just eight days ago, I was still in Eyra crying over my books." Zadyn raised an eyebrow at her, slowly chewing his apple. The slices were paper thin and he barely had to open his mouth to eat them. His jaw was bruised from where he fell facedown during a late-night training session.

"Why were you crying over a book?" he asked.

Adahlia gaped, "You mean you've never cried watching a movie or reading a book?" When Zadyn shook his head, she launched into a rant about how movie and book crying differs from pain crying. 

"I like crying over my books," Adahlia finished, shrugging. 

Daxelle stared at them, "This is the weirdest conversation of the morning." She shoved two fries into her mouth and her next words were near intelligible. "Difd tou knorw irve bin inf a confurthasion abough te fooneral aboufth a lemoffe."

Zadyn cocked his head, "What?"

Daxelle held up a hand while she frantically chewed and when she swallowed, she repeated, "I've been to a lemon's funeral."

He deadpanned, "That's six words, where the other eight?"

"I'm summarizing for you, smartass," Daxelle leaned onto her forearms propped on the picnic table. "And do you just count words as a hobby?"

"Was that a compliment?" he asked with a straight face.

Daxelle snorted and returned to her food. The sound of doors slamming filled the room otherwise occupied with the sound of Daxelle's chewing and Avanth walked in.

"Ok, so who knew sleeping with the window open would lead to three squirrels belly dancing on top of your bed," Avanth grumbled, sliding into the seat beside Adahlia.

Daxelle's eyebrows rose up, "Ok, this is the weirdest conversation this morning."

Avanth took some fries off Adahlia's plate and some apple slices off Zadyn's and when he left Daxelle alone, she smirked with a knowing grin that seemed to say, He's afraid of me. He knows I'll melt his brain if he even thinks about touching my food.

Just then, Gwydion walked into the dining hall and smiled when he beheld them all gathered around the center table.

"You're all up and fed?" he asked. There was a chorus of sorta's and possibly's that followed.

He offered a half-smile and clapped his hands together, forever the cliche English teacher, "Alright, I have your transportation to the nearest city—which has quite a number of attacks. You can all pack up and I have some things for you as well. When you're all finished eating"—there was a knowing glance towards Daxelle—"and gathering your things, meet me in the training ring." 

scars of magic ⸺ 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘴 𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬Where stories live. Discover now