Chapter 1

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It was a dark and calm night

Nothing but silence and the chirping crickets outside

Everyone in Greenhill was fast asleep

Everyone.....except for a little 7 year old, who lies awake

This child was named Y/n. They had H/c hair, gorgeous E/c eyes, and S/c skin.

They seemed to be to restless...and they don't even know why...

They eventually decided to give up on trying to sleep and go take a walk....even though they're not supposed to be up at night

They put on a hoodie and some comfy pants and walked out the back door and into their forest.....

I walk into my parents forest that I love to play in.

It's even more prettier at night!!

I laugh to myself as I crunch on the leafs. I pick up a big stick pretending I'm warrior from those movies Papa showed me.

"Aha! I, Y/n the Protecter of all things! Will strike you down!" I say and laugh as I imagine fighting against other warriors

Not paying attention to where I was stepping I end up falling in a ditch

"Ow!" I land on face

Now realizing my situation and how I don't know where I am I start tearing up

"Hello?! Someone help I'm lost!" I start sniffling and hugging my knees to my chest

Just when I thought no one was coming I saw a light green glow from the corner of my eye.

I look over to see the green glow buried deep within the dirt, and me being curious I started digging it up.

So started shoveling with my hands and eventually pulled out a piece of a....

"Emerald? But Mama said that GreenHill doesn't have any gems like this here?" I say to myself

Y/n's mother was Geologist and a scientist, so they knew everything about rocks and gems. It's quite fascinating to them.

The emerald piece was huge like if it was once apart of a bigger emerald

"I never knew emeralds glowed this brightly!! It's so pretty...." I say as I wipe more dirt off

That's when it glowed brighter and started floating

I scoot away from it in the ditch in shock

"I know that emeralds definitely can't do that!" I say in fear of what this thing actually was

I tried reaching out of the ditch to run away but my short little legs was no help. So I eventually once again hug my knees to my chest hoping that someone will save me.

That when I heard a crack...and again....and again...and again!! I look to see the emerald shard cracking until it finally broke apart into glowing green particles

I thought things were over....but I was very wrong...

The particles started flowing near me to which I backed away from until there was no where else I could go...

The particles surround me and hit straight into my chest to which I expected pain....but felt strangely nice...and stronger???

What I failed to notice was how my once natural E/c turned bright green before it went back to its normal color.

That's when my head started feeling fuzzy and my eyes started to close....then nothing...

I woke up on my bed.

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