🦉The Intruder🦉

Start from the beginning

Y/n: "Luz, get back here!" She shouted out while running towards the doorway with King.

King: "Hey, wait!"

Luz: She opens the door, exhales. "I always love feeling the first few drops in my hair." She said as she kneels down to talk to a flower. "I bet you do too, little buddy." She said as a water drop drops down to the flower, making it wither and die immediately. "What?" She questioned

Y/n: "Luz get back into the house now!!!" She shouted out under the overhang of her home beside King while Eda runs towards the house.

Eda: "Boiling rain! Everybody inside now!" She shouted out

Luz: "Huh?" She questioned til a boiling raindrop hits her arm making her yelps as Eda grabs her arm and drags the both of them inside. Objects crash and clatter.

Eda: "Phew! That was close. But the important thing is you didn't get hurt." She said while Y/n sat up from being tackled inside by her mom with Luz.

Luz: Is lying painfully. "Yep." She groans as a cup falls on her head. "Not hurt." She said while Y/n blows her over side bang away from her eyes.

Y/n: "Let me see the burn, Luz." She said while her maroon red magic surround her hands. "I can heal it a bit more."

Back in Bonesborough

The residents are screaming and running from the boiling rain. Buildings attached to the side of a cliff fall off.

Willow: At Willow's house, where she takes plants off of a balcony. "Ow, ow, ow, ow." She said as she drags a curtain closed with her teeth. While in the nearby alleyway, where Tiny Nose is running off shrieking from the rain before she ducks into a crack in a wall, which she tosses a rat out of then hisses at the vermin.

Back at the Owl House

Y/n is seen healing Luz's burn into a lighter wound as King is putting a bandage on a burn on Luz's arm. He puts another bandage on his snout then one on Y/n's cheek

King: "Look, now we're boo‐boo buddies." He said making Y/n chuckle as Luz squeals, then falls over onto the welcome mat..

Luz: "Oh, my gosh, I love you so much." She said then looks at Eda, who is creating a spell under a force field. "A boiling rainstorm on the Boiling Isles. The weather here is so fun." She said in wonder

Eda: "Yeah, we don't have weather. We have plagues, gorenados, shale hail, painbows." She explained as she listed off the various plagues of the Isles.

King: "It's like a rainbow but looking at it turns you inside out." He said as Luz pulls the drawstrings of her hoodie closed.

Y/n: "One of the most painful experiences in my young life, the painbow." She said honestly while shivering in terror of rememberance. "Thank titan for the Healing Coven, though." She said

Eda: "So, until the boiling rain stops, no one is allowed outside tonight." She said sternly

King: "And if the rain doesn't get you, the Snaggleback will." He said as he opens a book, showing Snaggleback images. "They wander the rain, feeding on boiled tourists."

Eda: "Well, whatever the case, this force field spell should protect the house from boiling rains and made‐up demons." She said while Hooty shouted out

🦉The Owl House: The Owl Bard - Y/n Clawthorne🦉Where stories live. Discover now