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Navi sat on her bed watching Criminal Minds as she stuffed Hot Cheetos in her mouth, today was just a typical day & she was missing her girlfriend

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Navi sat on her bed watching Criminal Minds as she stuffed Hot Cheetos in her mouth, today was just a typical day & she was missing her girlfriend. It had been two weeks since the couple had started dating, and the love was stronger than ever; Navi was moved into her apartment & just as lia said, she was at the house almost every day

She had seen her yesterday; the pair watched moves and cuddles and participated in some extra curriculum actives

Navi was snapped out of her tv trance by her phone ringing; her eyes squinted at the brightness as she answered the phone.

"hi, baby, what you doing?" She asked me

"Heyy- are you laying down?" lia asked her girlfriend

"Yes, I'm watching tv. Are you going to answer my question?." Navi mumbled, hoping she gets the answer

"I went to school, went shopping with a paw, and now I'm laying down, rolling up,"lia told her through the phone

"I know it's late, but can i come over? I wanna see you," the younger asked

"ofc baby, I'll see you when you get here."

"do you need anything from the gas station? imma stop there before I head over there," my lover asked me

"yea, can you get me a slim jim and two packs of ranch sunflowers & some gummy worms."

"ofc baby, I'll be there in 15 minutes; I love you."

"I love you too, baby," I said before she hung up

I started to get up from my bed; I looked around my room and found my vape, walking out  my room

running down the stairs, I went stairs to the kitchen to grab myself & lia some caprisuns

I went to the door to unlock it. Even though she has a key, I still open it; she gon curse me out because she likes to use it and brag

 Even though she has a key, I still open it; she gon curse me out because she likes to use it and brag

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