Authors note

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Hi! My name is Lee, I'm a new writer here on Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed! It took me a few months to write this story (mainly because I had not motivation for awhile-)

But I hope you enjoyed anyways! The story was originally a venti x reader but it made it less confusing AND easier to write it as a venti x Y/N, so if you see anything that says something like:

"You walked up to venti"

Then replace it with.

"Y/N walked up to venti"

I might plan on a re-write, or another book to follow up if I get enough requests!

Hope you enjoyed! Cya later!

Oh yeah btw I forgot if I mentioned if Y/N found who sent the love letter.

So for the sake of the story then let's say they dropped it. Lmao

Oh yeah also I forgot if I told this, but If I didn't, then their power that's similar to the unknown god is tied to their strong negative emotions, and gets out of control if Y/N (basically you i think-) Let's their negative emotions get the better of them.

If I did I'm sorry I'm just to lazy to check lmao

He loves me.... He loves me not... Venti x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now