A bards tale

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Y/N quickly ran into the cats tail tavern, it was the only Place that Y/N could go that venti couldn't follow and the only place that was a run up to the angels share.

For some people it pays off to have a friend that's allergic to cats.

Luckily for Y/N the cats that usually stay inside of the tavern hadn't left, as they usually do.

The young bartender at the bar, with pink hair and cat ears with a blue hat covering the hair greeted Y/N.

"Hello there! You look new around here, welcome to the cats tail! What can I get ya?"

"Just a water would be fine."

"That's a new one."

"What's your name little girl?"

"I'm diona, though I'm surprised that you've never heard of me."

Diona shrugged and prepared the water for Y/N.

"What did you mean by 'that's a new one' ?"

"Usually the people that come here order an alcoholic beverage, what a bunch of no good drunks they are."

Diona frowned at the thought and put the glass of water on the table.

Y/N sat down on a stool at the bar and grabbed the drink.

"Not much of an alcohol person are you?"

"Sometimes, not really most of the time."

Venti POV:

Damn it! I couldn't catch up to Y/N.. how can they run so fast?!

"Hey venti!"

Venti looked to the left and saw Aether and Paimon approaching him.

"Oh- hey guys.."

"Are you ok tone deaf bard? You seem more down than usual, which says a lot."

"No, not really.."

"Oh jeez was Paimon and the traveler wrong about their assumptions about Y/N's feelings about you?"

"Thankfully no... but I think they think I feel that we were just meant to be friends... so they kinda ran away-..."

"Why would they tell you then run away?"

"It kinda slipped out of their mouth, it was definitely on accident.."

"Well then why aren't you trying to find them? Since I assume that's why they were running."

"You saw them?! Where did they go?!"

Paimon and Aether looked at each other, then back at venti.

"Well... we kinda... sorta.. got distracted-"

Venti instantly looked at Paimon.


Paimon put her arms out infront of her.

"Hey! It's not paimons fault! Paimon just kinda sorta knocked into someone- so we turned around right as we saw Y/N! It's not my fault!"

Venti rolled his eyes.


Aether looked at venti and scoffed.

"Besides even if we could tell you, it would probably would be a place that you couldn't go in for some reason."

The three of them went to the angels share tavern.

"I wonder where they went."

"Well you've known them for awhile now right? Paimon is sure if you look in the usual places they go to, you might be able to find them!"

"Y/N is amazingly smart, there's no way they would go in the places that I would know where they would go."

Aether tried to reassure venti

"But they can be impulsive at times right? So they might be in the places you think they're in!"

Venti sighed.

" wherever they are I'm sure they're long gone from mondstadt by now.."

Aether looked over to venti, but saw floating blocks behind him, that were a mixture of black and red.

Aether POV:

Wait a minute... those aren't-

Those are- those belong to the god that separated me and lumine...

"Venti watch out!"

Aether grabbed venti's arm and pulled him away from the wall that the blocks were next to.

"Aether what the hell?!"

Venti looked at where he was sitting and gasped.

Venti POV:

That couldn't be from... Y/N.... Could it be?

"That's from Y/N..."

"No it isn't! It's from the goddess that took my sister!"

"No.. that's from Y/N... just look around.."

Aether, Paimon, and venti looked around the tavern. More and more of those blocks, both large and small, continued to float around and come out of the cracks from the floor boards.

"Everyone get out! It's the end of the world!"

Yelled one customer at the tavern, all at once people abandoned their tables, and drinks, and started running out the door of the tavern.

"Venti.. what is going on??"

Venti sighed.

"Well... you see..."

{story told my venti:}

"Y/N wasn't always a god on the side of mondstadt, or a god of any side during the archon war.

As I've told you earlier. Y/N used to go by teyvre, as that was their name.

The real reason for their creation was to guard the outskirts of teyvat, preventing anyone that might leave.

Mainly the gods that tried to escape the world so they could avoid punishment by the gods of celestia. Or from other gods.

Until a group of gods manipulated teyvre to join them in the war, knowing that they were merely a god of pure energy.

They used dark magic to influence teyvre into joining them, allowing the gates to leave the world to be unguarded.

Teyvre was a feared foe during the war.. all they were was a body made of a glowing white light in a suit of armor.

If anyone dared to fight the against the group of gods, they would be taken captive by the blocks used by the gateway guardian to capture and defeat anyone that tried to leave the world.

All by teyvre.

After some time In the war, teyvre had killed an army of humans and gods.

They had realized what they were doing was wrong.

Their will power broke them from the mind control of the gods that had used teyvre as a tool for war.

They took the form of one of the soldiers from the slaughtered army.

And fought against the gods that had taken control of their mind.

They took on a new league.

And with that a new name after the war.

They had beaten the gods That had used them as nothing more than a tool for war.

They decided to join the good fight.

And teamed up with the bard and the team of adventures I had met when I was just a whisp of power.

The god was fiercer and even more stronger than Y/N, but by working together, the team of them was able to defeat the god and earn mondstadt the freedom that it deserved.

He loves me.... He loves me not... Venti x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now