Chapter 1

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The princes are just standing there when the humans were rushing towards them. "Let's make a deal" the older prince said but he was ignored by the humans who are still running to them. Suddenly one of the human's head flew off to another human's leg, the person felt something touched him and he found it was a head. Everyone stopped when the head was beheaded and the lifeless body fell. They saw the older prince licking his hand that is covered with blood.

"This is what you get for not listening before attacking us. I want to make a deal with you all," the oldest prince said while he is licking his hand. "What is the deal?" One of the human asks "hm... you humans can provide blood for us voluntarily or even bring some of you all here to live so we won't attack humans just to suck your blood. We won't suck dry your blood and we will let you humans rest for a few days to recover your blood. Animals blood aren't enough to feed us and the animals will extinct if we keep on sucking blood from them, it will also affect your food supply too. Also if one of us harm you humans, you humans can report to us and we will handle them. If you humans attack us for no reason, we will just report to your leader or just kill those hurt us" The oldest prince revealed the deal and explains in details. "If some of you human don't agree with me, feel free to attack me and my younger brother right now. Those who agree can stand aside from the fight. I forgot to bring my sword with me and brother forgot to bring his weapon too." The older prince added as he sees more than half of the people stepped aside and the others gritted their teeth then they attack the princes.

Their nails grew longer and sharper before the fight starts, the people uses their weapons to attack them. They dodges the attacks and weapons without breaking a sweat. When they are avoiding the attacks, one of the human went behind them quietly then they tried to attack the younger prince. The older prince saw it and he immediately went to protect the younger prince. He felt a slight pain on his cheek and he realise he received a small cut from the weapon.

"You managed to wound me because you made a dirty move... I was planning to hold back and knock you all out but it seems you are trying to hurt my brother! Those who tries to hurt my brother shall not be forgiven!" The older prince said in anger as he growled and his eyes glowed brighter. Then he grab the person's neck and started to choking him. The person was struggling in the middle of the air to get oxygen. The older prince tighten his grip on the person's neck, the person kept struggling until he stopped struggling from the grip.

The older prince dropped the human's lifeless body on the ground. The others who were fighting the younger prince are all shocked from what happened. Suddenly the humans got knocked unconscious by the older prince. "Look, I want to minimise our reputation so I knocked them out and also it will be a mess if I kill them here." The older prince said as the red faded back to dark red.

"You said you will kill them, but why didn't yo-" one of those who agreed the deal asks but he got cut off by the older prince "as I said, I want to minimise the damage and I was just scaring them even though I am actually mad someone would do a dirty trick on us" the older prince explains "I will tell my father to agree with the deal. You all should come with me" the older prince said, he and his brother pick up all the people that they knocked unconscious and he started walking in the hallway until the throne room. They saw some servants and told them that they want to meet the king in the throne room.

They waited awhile and the king walks into the throne room. "What do you need, Asta? Why is there humans behind you? Could you please explain what happened?" The king asks, his presence makes the pressure in the room overwheming. "Father I've suggested a deal with the humans, they can supply some blood for us and make some of them live here for supplying blood for us, if some of the vampire goes to oppose a threat to the humans, the humans will report to us so we can punish them or they can kill our race if it can't be avoided. Meanwhile if the humans hurt us for no reason, we can either report to the humans or kill them. We can let the humans rest after they supply a huge amount of blood. Also I knocked these unconscious and killed one of them who disagrees with the deal. Do you think it is a good idea for our race for not interfering the humans' life just for blood?" Asta asks.

"That is a good deal, Asta. As expected for the most suitable vampire to be the future ruler of our race." The king said proudly "Dad! I help brother to fight too!" The younger prince said, "That's great too, Liebe!" The king praised the younger prince and he clears his throat "Sorry for my behaviour. Anyways I am the ruler of the vampires, my name is Vanitas. It is a pleasure to meet you humans. I was actually wanting my race to be civilised and well-mannered so they won't simply attack you all for drinking blood, but i don't know where to start. All thanks to my older son, he managed to make the first step." Vanitas said proudly and the humans were left speechless of how the vampires' ruler behaves. The humans agreed to the deal and Vanitas also told the humans to visit the castle once in a while. After an hour where the sun almost fully gone down the horizon, the group of humans left the castle.

Those humans who doesn't support with the idea of it are in the dungeon under the castle. Some of them regained their consciousness and found themselves lying on a metal bed in the cell, their hands and legs got locked up onto the cuffs that is on the bed. Suddenly they hear footsteps getting closer to their cells, the footsteps are belong to the older prince, Asta. Asta unlocks one of the cell and entered in there, he looks at the human with a sadistic smile and expression too. "Time for draining out your blood as our supply and enjoy your gift from me" Asta said hungrily as he licks his lips and his eyes glow brighter.

A/N: Sheesh another chapter, barely able to write cuz got school but nvm. Next whole week is holiday, might update this soon. Enjoy the book ya

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