I walk out and the gate is locked. I groan.

Come on think. I look at the keypad and write in "mafia".





It unlocks. Of course they made it that. They really should change that, like seriously.

I walk out and I make my way to the nearest store. I stop there for a rest since I do live from here but I can't go back there now.

I call my old friend to come for me.

"Hey Vivian" Bianca says.

I smile.
"Hey B. Can you do me a favor and pick me up from this store? I need to go to this train station".

"Oh. Sure. When?" She asks.

"Now would be lovely" I say.

"Ok just send the address and I will be on my way".

I hang up and I text her the address. I wait and wait until she heads on her way.

I check my phone and I see the time. It's getting a bit dark out now and I need to leave here before it hits 12am. By then Sierra would have already checked and there will be an alert.

I walk around in the store a bit and I wait. A few minutes pass by and I get a call from her.

"Hey I am here" she says.

I smile and I grab my bag as I head outside. I see her car and I get in. She hugs me and I smile.

"Heyyy, so after all this time I see you when I have to drop you off. Going on vacation?" She smiles.

I shake my head.
"I didn't mean to. Just got busy and not vacation. Just a fresh start".

She nods.
"Ah makes sense. Well just be careful Vivian and I know it will kill your mamma to know you are leaving".

I look down. Mamma.

"Bianca.. my mamma died just recently" I say.

Her smile goes away.

I nod.
"She was sick...".

She immediately hugs me and starts to cry.
"Oh.. Vivian..".

"It's fine.. honestly I am fine but I can't stay here any longer. So train station now.. please".

She immediately starts driving and kept showing her sympathy towards me. As much as I appreciate it, it doesn't help me feel any better.

It just makes me feel like I failed in my mamma. I can't and don't know how to live with the guilt.

We finally arrive after a few minutes and the car stops. I look at the station and I take a deep breath. You got this.

I turn to her and I thank her with a hug.

"Of course Vivian, I will always be here for you" she assures.

I nod and we say our byes. I get out and I grab my bag. As I am walking, I see a trash can and I throw my phone into it. I can't risk them looking for me in any way possible.

I head to the front desk and I see all the times for the departures.

France, America, Germany, Russia, Canada, Brazil.

I look at the options and Russia stuck out the most because I know that the Russian and Italian mafias really don't clash too much. That is the perfect getaway for me.

I look at the woman at the front desk and she looks at me with smile.

"Ciao. Hai il biglietto per il tuo viaggio?" She asks.
(Hi. Do you have your ticket for your trip?)

I shake my head.
"Il corvo è la porta dell'oscurità".
(The crow is the door to the darkness)

She nods and picks up the phone. I remember growing up that my father had this friend who worked at the train station and he always bought me souvenirs from whatever place he traveled to.

"Aspetta qui" she says.
(Wait here)

I nod and I walk around for a bit.

"VIVIAN.. nice to see a familiar face again" he yells out.

I turn to the man we considered family.

"Mr. Rizzo, such a pleasure to see you as well. I need your help" I say.

He nods.
"I am here to help".

He guides me to his office and as we get in. I tell him everything. He gives me his sympathy for my mamma and how much he knew she was a good woman and mother.

I stay cold for my benefit and I ignore his comfort.

"Since I need to go, can you please help me get to Russia? My passport is expired and my mamma is gone, I need to go from here..what do I do?".

He sits at his desk and looks through a book.

"I have a number of a guy who can help you with the passport situation. But I can get you to Russia on a boat, a shipment that leaves in 20 minutes.".

I nod.
"That will work and the language, I guess I need a translator".

He laughs.
"My passport guy will help you of any need".

I smile.
"Thank you Mr. Rizzo".

He nods and starts writing down some notes for the trip. He gives me a letter he quickly wrote and I grab my bag.

He directs me to the big ship. Huge ship.

With a lot of cargo and I can see that it's a shipment. I start walking on board of the ship and I look around at how much boxes is filling this ship.

"You must be an American" a voice says.

I turn around and I see this young guy. Very much Spanish looking than Italian to be honest but a bit handsome.

"Non sono un americano" I say.
(I am not an American)

He grins.
"My fault."

He walks closer to me and takes out his hand for me to shake.

"My name is Julio Rivera, and you are?".

I shake his head and I smile.


Wait is that Julio? Oh no.. if you read Roses and Lies you will understand what I mean. Anyway let's see what's next ;)

Bound to Desire | Darkest Love~ Book 2 |Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora