"Ok so let's say, this is your money. My mother and I are just what...supposed to be left with nothing."

He nods.
"You had nothing in the first place, but now that you know of this. I guess the wedding is unnecessary, just give me what I need. And I will never bother you again."

I still don't trust him and everything he has said still feels like a lie.

I shake my head.
"I won't marry you and I won't give you the money".

He sighs.
"You are playing with fire and if I was you, I wouldn't play with fire. I did your father a favor by not killing him the chance I had. I let nature do it's course, now we wouldn't want your mother to actually face his fate."

I stand up, clenching my fists.

"Are you actually threatening my mother? You fucking asshole!" I yell.

He smiles.
"I warned you and you still go against what I say. Why put your mother in the crossfire when you can just do what you need to do?".

I shake my head.
"Fuck you!".

I walk out and I head back to my car. I need to get her far away from here.

I head to the hospital and I go to the front desk as I ask for her room number. They tell me and I head to her room.

I walk in and I see her sleeping on the bed. I look at her monitor and it looks completely fine. I sit next to her and I hold her hand.

I look at her face and it reminds me of when papa was in the hospital as well. To see and witness everything again but now with my mamma breaks my heart.

"Per favore non lasciarmi, ho bisogno di te" I say as I look at her face and just her state.
(Per favore non lasciarmi, ho bisogno di te~ Please dont leave me, I need you)

I feel her hand move a bit and I gasp. Next thing her body starts shaking fast and hard. I try to figure out what's wrong.

I run to the door and I yell.
"Nurse! Doctor! Someone help".

I see the doctor and the nurse run in.

They go to my mother and check her monitor. They seem to get nervous and I just watch her body seize out of control.

I try to remain strong but I am confused how she could suddenly just go from being fine to seizing.

Another nurse pulls me away and I keep my eyes on her.

"Right now the best you can do is just hope that she will be fine" the nurse says.

I nod and I keep trying to focus on my breathing.

She sits me down and I think about her being better. Wishing this disease never existed.

I see more nurses and doctors run into her room and I call Sierra. I need someone here, I need support.

She answers.
"Hey Vivian.. what's up?".

I breathe heavily into the phone as the cries try to come out of my throat.

"Can you come to the hospital? My mother, she's seizing.. and I just need... support".

She gasp with fear in her tone.
"Ok I am on my way".

I hang up and I stand up as I go by her room. I peek in and I see them checking her pulse and her seizing stopped.

I start to get happy before they shake their heads.

"Patient deceased..." the doctor writes down.

Wait what...? No..

One of the nurses that pulled me out, turns her head my way as she sees me. She sighs before she makes her way over to me.

Bound to Desire | Darkest Love~ Book 2 |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora