I gasp. HOW FUCKING MUCH?! How the fuck?!!

"Where did this money come from? How is this even possible?" I ask.

"Your father left it under your name for your mother and you. I may work with Giovanni but in my opinion it's pretty shitty for him to marry you for your money, you don't deserve that and I hardly know you but I know you don't deserve that."

"So this is good. I can use this money for my mother and she's in the hospital and I can move out of my house. I can finally get what I want" I say happily.

This is what papa said before he died. How he wanted me to achieve my goals and to live a better life than he did. My papa had a big company and we were spoiled for a few years until he went bankrupt. He lost everything and his health went bad. Mamma and I watch him lose himself, and til this day I will never forget what he went through for us.

"Giovanni won't let you unless you, give up all your money to him and there won't be no wedding. Win win situation".

I shake my head.
"Not win win, he has more money now. I am just supposed to give him everything I have while I struggle here".

He nods.
"I understand but I am trying to help you out here, Giovanni is set on getting that money back and he says it's his that your father stole from him years ago".

"What if it wasn't his? What if cause my father is dead now, he just wants the money for himself?".

He looks at me with a serious expression.

"All I can say here is that he won't stop, he will marry you and get what he wants. You can either give him what he wants or he will force you".

This is very fucked up.

"I am curious, what do you think Giovanni does for a living? Do you not know at all?" Cassian leans forward.

I look at him.
"He's rich, what else could he be?".

He laughs.
"You do know about the mafia here in Italy, the whole money and club owning didn't ring a bell to you that he is a mafia boss".

My eyes goes a bit wide. I am surprised but not shocked. I didn't even think the mafia would come near our area since we are so poor but it makes sense why Giovanni would be interested in my family.

"Don't you guys kill and steal? And other shit" I say.

He smirks.
"Yes but deeper than that".

I shake my head.
"Can't be any deeper than that, Giovanni sees that my family has nothing left but that money and still forces for whatever he wants. No wonder Sicily is in the shits right now and you are helping him destroy it".

He looks down at my file and his smirk drops.

"I am helping him because I have devoted my life to this. It's called survival, not every story is a happy ending Vivian. You out of anyone would see that".

I laugh.
"You don't have to explain yourself, I can clearly see you for who you are. Yes you may have your kind exterior at times but you are cold and heartless like him. I could use that money for my dying mother instead and you think the best thing is to give it all to him, I rather be married to that asshole than give it all up so easily. He will have to fight me for that money. I don't care".

"You are putting yourself into a danger zone by doing that, but I warned you. Nice seeing you Vivian" he says before he walks out.


Love the warning and all but he just advised that I give up everything my father had left for us. Part of me knows that is my father's earned money, not Giovanni's. Even if they had deals or whatever, my father wouldn't set us up for failure by leaving the money under my name.

Giovanni is using a dead man's daughter to gain money the easy way. He's seriously a lousy man.

I sigh as I look at all my work and I shake my head. I don't even want to finish my work.

I put my pen down and I think about everything he just told me. Part of me says not to believe a word he says but I can tell from Cassian's character that he doesn't lie about things like this.

But it also makes sense in a sad way.

Sad that Giovanni is doing all this for money when he has more than I could ever have. The rich and the mafia are just living off the poor, and no one is doing anything about it.

Well I won't let him take everything I have left, everything I didn't even know I had left.

I shake my head. I put my files away as I get ready to close up my office.

I get up as I grab my bag and I turn off my lights. I push in my chair and I head out the door. I close the door and I see Marzia.

I go to her.
"Hey, if the boss ask for me just tell him I got sick and needed to head home."

She nods.
"Should I even ask why you are leaving so early?".

I smile.
"I am going to fight for what my father earned and I won't back down, not this time".

She smiles.
"Good now go...".

I nod and I head out.

I get in my car and I drive back to the club. I get there in a few minutes and I park up. I head right in and I look around.

It's very empty since it's early as fuck. I see the bartender cleaning glasses and he looks up at me.

I head to the back and I burst into his office. I walk in and I can't believe what I saw.

A stripper on her knees in front of Giovanni. Giving him head and I feel disgusted in this moment.

"We need to talk, and you will listen" I say.

Bound to Desire | Darkest Love~ Book 2 |Where stories live. Discover now