I text Marzia.

"Hey is the "hottie" and Mr. Rossi out of my office?".

"Yeah but I tried to cover for you. I told him that you got a family emergency and needed to step out quickly."

"Thanks Marzia. You are the best".

" :) also when you get back to work, we need to talk about the hottie".

Ughh great. I didn't want to tell her because the situation just seems fucked up and I feel desperate. Marrying for money just doesn't seem like me but my mamma thinks we need it. I am only doing this for her.

But at least I get to go home early. Except my purse is up there. Shit. I can't go back in now.

"Hey Marzia, one last thing. Can you bring me my purse real quick?".

"Sure. You are lucky that my break is starting now".


I wait for her as I sit in my car. I climb into my passenger seat as it shows a view of where Luca is still standing. Giovanni walks towards the car and they talk.

Giovanni seems a bit pissed off and Luca tries to calm him down, I think.

I keep my head low so they don't see me. They get into the car and leaves.

Finally Marzia walks around the corner and I jump out the car. I walk over to her as she gives me my purse.

"Thank you once again".

She gives me a warm smile.
"Anytime, got your back. See you tomorrow".

I nod and I head back in my car. I drive back home and I get in.

I hear pots clashing and I know mamma is home.

I walk to the kitchen and I look at her. The note is gone so I knew she read it.

"Why didn't you answer your phone?" She asks.

"I had to use the bathroom so I forgot it in my office" I lie.

Even though only half of it is a lie.

"Ok.. so I guess we should talk about what I said at dinner with the Morettis".

I nod. I sit down at the table and she sits down as well.

"I went to the doctor and they told me that I don't have long to live. I have lung cancer, which is very life threatening and you know we have no money to pay for treatment. So I need you to marry Giovanni Moretti so I can die in peace that you are with someone who will take care of you".

I shake my head.
"No mamma, I will work harder and we will get the money. I won't just let you die on my watch. You are my family, that's it. Giovanni can go somewhere else, this marriage is not our only option".

She shakes her head and yells.
"Yes IT IS. Vivian your father died years ago, I had to raise you by myself with help from no one. I can't die knowing you have nothing. I failed in being a mother and giving you everything".

I start to cry.
"That is not true mamma, stop it. Don't say that".

She holds my hand.
"It is and I have accepted my death. I have been going to my appointments and I quit my jobs. They said it's getting more severe where I might need to stay in the hospital so I won't be here until my death comes".

I cry harder and I hold both of her hands into mine. It's hard to know that she accepted this and is ok with it but I can't force her. Mamma has always be someone who never changes her mind, always stays with her choices because she knows that everything happens for a certain reason. But my father loved mamma for being so strong minded, he loved her so much. His death also affected me in ways that I never wanted to leave mamma ever again.

Bound to Desire | Darkest Love~ Book 2 |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें