"You could've waited."

"Enough." Says Ruby, rolling her eyes. Everyone is silent. "You can't blame her. She's your girlfriend or whatever, she was worried about you." Says Coral.

"And by the way, I can take care of myself. I'm not pregnant anymore." I hiss and jerk away from him before I get up. As if on cue, the baby starts crying and Brandon rocks him. Jay stands up. "Give him here." I say before Jay can do anything.

Brandon looks between the two of us before he hands him over to me. I rock him in my arms and stroke his cheek. "It's okay baby. You're okay." I feel Jay's eyes on me and the baby calms down, his cries die down.

It's silent again. An awkward silence.

"Well then. Time to look at 'em weapons." Says Duncan as we walks off with Lex behind him. Coral comes to me and rubs my back. "You okay?" I nod. "Yeah." She looks at the baby. "He really needs a name." I nod again.

Ruby pulls a chair out from one of the desks and sits down. Jay and Storm go after Duncan. "What happened?" Asks Scarlett and I follow her gaze to Silas' leg. "Got scratched."

"Scratched or bitten?" Asks Ruby glaring at him. "Scratched." He limps to a chair. "If he was bitten, Lex would've killed him already." Says Coral. I sigh and find a chair to sit on as well.

Coral stands next to me. My baby has his eyes closed now, sleeping soundfully in my arms. "I've got a name for him." I say.





"Suits him." I know I should've discussed this with Jay first in case he doesn't like the name but I'm mad at him and I'm not in the mood to have a happy family moment with him just yet. Storm emerges first with a skip in his step. He has a gun in his hand and I hold Noble closer to me. I don't want him near a gun and I hate that this is the world he's been born into.

"We got you guys something really cool." Says Storm as the rest of the guys appear. "What?" Asks Scarlett. Only then do I spot a bag pack in Storm's hand. He gets down on one knee and opens the bag, rummaging through it. He pulls out Tupperware boxes and forks. Duncan stands next to him and folds his arms.

"I made macaroni and cheese'-"

"-Because of me." Storm interrupts. Duncan rolls his eyes. "Because of cherry-"

"-Wait, cherry?" Asks Ruby before she bursts out laughing. Storm growls and I'm beyond pissed. "Are you serious right now? You must be joking." I say slowly, hoping they know that I'm angry. I look at Jay. "You made macaroni and cheese-"

"-I made macaroni and cheese. Don't look at him." Says Duncan and I send him a deadly glare. "While we were out there, worried and risking our lives, you were playing housewife and made food?" I hiss.

Jay frowns. "Darcy, come on-"

"No she's right. Darcy was worried and instead of doing what you were supposed to do first, you prolong the job and her worries." Coral spits. "I just... thought it would be nice for everyone." Says Storm who is in the midst of handing the boxes out to us. I roll my eyes when he places a box in front of me.

I move it far away from me with my finger. It's quiet once again. Brandon and Ruby are eating the food. Scarlett is talking to Storm. Coral walks off and stands by the door, looking outside.

Jay approaches me and I look anywhere but at him. "I know you're mad but can you at least eat? When was the last time you ate?" I steal a glance at him. He's frowning and glaring at me. My heart softens. Even though he looks mad, he's still worried about whether I've eaten or not.

"I'll eat when I feel like it."

"It's really good you know. Duncan knows how to cook." He says softly.

"It's Sir Duncan to you." Mutters Duncan from across the room. I want to stay mad but I know better than that. What they did was sweet considering we haven't had a home cooked meal in how long. I sigh.

"I'm not hungry right now but I promise I'll eat." I tell Jay looking up at him. His frown is gone and he smiles a small smile. "I have a name for him." I gesture to Noble. He bends downs and strokes his cheek. "What?"

"Noble." His smile gets bigger.

"Noble huh? That's cute."

"Do you like it? I probably should've talked to you about it first."

"Nah don't worry. I like it. I can't think of any names anyway." I hold Noble out to him. "You must've missed him." I say as he takes him. "Hey, I missed you too."

I watch as he looks at Noble. "The food was really good. Almost as good as my wife's." Says Brandon with a chuckle. "You have a wife?" Asks Scarlett. "Yeah and three daughters. I miss them so much."

"Maybe we'll find them." Says Storm. "Find them? How the hell will we find them if we're the only ones left?" Asks Ruby.

"What if we're not the only ones left? What if our families were evacuated. Did you see a zombie that looked like any of your relatives?"

"Evacuate where? We don't even know if we're in the same town as before." Says Coral. "Us being the only ones left is hard to believe and so is the fact that there might be others alive too." Says Silas. "That's why we have to keep searching. You never know. I miss my mom and sister and I have a feeling they're out there. They can't be dead." Says Storm.

"We'll head to the hospital in the mornin'. For now, we should make ourselves comfortable and sleep here. It's almost mornin' anyway." Says Duncan.

"You sleep. I'll hold him for you." Says Jay. I'm not that tired, I'm still high off the adrenalin from running but I nod. I have a feeling I won't be getting much sleep soon.

"You sleep too, okay?" He nods. Thankfully there are enough chairs for all of us so we can at least be a bit comfortable. "Wait, we should try the phones. There are tons of phones here." I say eyeing the telephones on the desks.

Ruby grabs the one closest to her and holds the phone by her ear before dailing a number. "There's no signal."

"Of course there's no signal. There's never signal in zombie movies." Answers Coral.

I sigh and slump back against the chair, closing my eyes.

Dystopian zombie eraWhere stories live. Discover now