Chapter 4

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Jay walks to the door first and I follow him. He glances at me before he opens the door slowly. The door creaks and he peeks his head out the room, putting a hand in front of me. He then walks forward and gestures for me to follow him. There are two more doors and we're in a hallway. The walls are painted the same dull brown.

The hallway is narrow and we come across a staircase. I walk down slowly, gripping onto the handrail. The stairs are wooden and creak underneath our weight. Once we reach the bottom we see a closed door. "That must lead outside."

I look around me and see a small kitchen. There's a fridge and a counter with a bowl of fruit atop it. There are two three seater couches that look withered and a small coffee table in front. Seems like there's no TV.

Jay opens the door and I follow closely behind him. The first thing I see is the weird orange sky. I have no idea what time it is. It must be morning so I don't understand why the clouds are orange.

There are a good amount of people out here but two seem to be shouting at each other. A tall, muscular man and... wait, is that Coral? She's still as beautiful as ever with her short blonde hair and glowing, pimple - free face. She has an hourglass figure and her green eyes glint in the light.

"Ayo, Jay's here." I follow the voice to see Storm. His red hair is longer, his roots need to be redyed. He looks more skinnier than when I saw him just yesterday. Coral and the man keep quiet and their eyes are on us. Or more specifically, my bump. I shift nervously under their gaze.

"Yo. What's going on?" Asks Jay as he walks closer to Storm and I follow suit. "Dude I swear, I was literally at school yesterday. I woke up and saw I look older, not to mention this place. This isn't where any of us live. How did we get here?" Asks Storm with his brows furrowed. A frown etched on his face.

His fingers shoot up and find his eyebrow ring which he tugs at.

"It's their fault." Coral points a finger at the tall man standing opposite her. Beside him is a pale man with shoulder length black hair and brown eyes. He has a sharp jaw and an intense gaze.

"Now listen up Barbie, don't you think it's a bit childish to go around screamin' and puttin' the blame on people? All of us are just as confused as you are." Says the tall man in a southern accent.

Coral glares at him and if looks could kill, that would be a dead man right there.

"I can see you've worked in the military for some time. I know the government set us up and told you people to drag us out here for some sick experiment." The man chuckles. "I must say, you've got a keen eye. I have served in the military yes, but I'm just as confused and innocent as you are."

"Will the two of you just shut up!" Growls another woman. She has black hair with a bright yellow streak in. She has eyeliner on and a septum piercing. She's frowning. "Can't you two have a normal conversation?"

"I will when Barbie stops screamin' and pointin' fingers." Answers the man putting his hands on his hips.

"He's got a point. We'll never know anything if we don't calm down and talk normally. Now, did you all wake up here? Were you all younger yesterday?" Asks Jay. A woman steps forward. She's wearing a lab coat and has bright red hair, green eyes and freckles littering her nose and cheeks. She has huge white glasses making her eyes look big.

"Yesterday I was a normal nineteen year old experimenting. I was mixing solutions and working out formulas in my lab yesterday. I fell asleep while calculating. When I woke up, I was in a bland room and heard shouting."

"I'm not going to waste my time figuring out what's going on. I'm leaving." Says the guy with the shoulder length hair. Coral rolls her eyes. "I agree."

"I don't think we should." Says a guy. He has short brown hair and eyes. I feel like I've seen him somewhere. I stare at him, searching my mind for an answer. He looks at me and I quickly look away. "We don't know what's out there." He gestures to the open field in front of us.

"Then it's best we find out." Answers Coral already walking forward. The tall man and the one next to him follow her. "I don't know if that's the best idea." Mumbles the girl with the red hair to herself. Another man steps forward. He's short with a balding head. "I'm going too." He says walking after Coral.

Storm and Jay exchange a look and Jay turns to me. "You coming?" My eyes widen. "What about them?" I ask gesturing to the people who haven't moved yet. "That's their problem." Says the girl with the yellow streak as she starts walking.

Jay takes my hand. "You wanna get out here don't you?" I nod slowly. "Yes but-"

"It's now or never." Answers Storm who starts walking. I look back at the people behind me who refuse to leave before I walk with Jay. The girl with the glasses walks next to me and I spot another girl next to her.

The familiar boy walks too and we all walk in silence. I try my hardest not to look back at the people we've left behind. What if there's nothing up ahead? What if everyone is dead and we're the only ones alive?

I shake my head and focus on Jay's hand in mine. I take a quick glimpse at my bump. It's still so hard to believe even though there's proof right in front of me. "What is that?" I hear Coral ask. I look forward and see a wall that seems never ending.

Is this wall the only thing keeping us from the outside world? Are there people on the other side? Or is the wall protecting us from something out there?

"I see a door." Says the guy with the long hair. He's already making his way there. Jay gives my hand a gentle squeeze before we follow.

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