Little Spy

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*1 hours later*

I've been talking to myself for about an hour now, and I think I should maybe go back to the mansion..
At the same time, I don't want to run into Toby. I don't want to be a flustered mess in front of him.

I kept muttering to myself, debating on weather I should go back or not.

I thought I was alone...
Minus the voice...
But other then it, I thought I was alone. But it turns out, a little spy was with me.

"Oooh~ What are you doing out here by yourself, Jack?" A familiar voice asked, making me growl in return.

"Depends on who's asking.." I replied.

"It's just your good old friend, Sully!" Sully told me, wrap an arm around me.

"Then, you don't need to know.." I said, pushing his arm off me.

"Ooooh, don't be so mean-" He said, wrapping his arm back around me.

"And why should I..?" I asked.

"If you don't, I could go spill your little Secret to everyone~" He purred into my ear.

"HE WAS LISTENING..!?!?!" I screamed in my head.

"You WOULDN'T dare.." I growled at him.

"Oh, I wouldddd~" He purred again. "Soooo~ Are you going to play nice?" He asked.


"Fine.." I said, tilling my head down.

He patted my shoulder. Getting back up, with a laugh.

"That's more like it! Now play nice, or I'll spill!" He sang, walking away from me.
I'm fucked.

*3 Weeks later*

Toby hasn't been talking to me... And I don't know why.

I've tried to talk to him, multiple times. Yet every time he finds a way to leave.
I've even tried to tell him how I feel, but he just laughed me off and run away.

"Jack?" Toby asked from behind me.

"He wants to talk to me..?!" My heart started racing, as I smiled under my mask. "HE WANTS TO TALK TO ME..!!!" I thought happily.

"Ya Toby..?" I asked, leaning my head back. Trying to act calmly

"We need.. We-e-e *pop* need to talk.." He said in a way.. A way that made me worry.

"Aright..?" I said, patting the spot next to me.

"I mean alone.." He said.

"Alone..?" I felt my face fluster up.

"Oh, okay.." I said getting up, and following him to a quiet room.

"So Jack.." He said, taking a long pause.
"Do-o you like me..?" He asked me.

Fuzzy Feelings (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora