Morning kisses

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~There's Toby's! I've been having a problem seeing the pictures, so let me know if you guys can see them or not. Thanks~

*8 hours later*

I felt something lightly touch my mask, making me wake up.

"Uh..?" I asked confused.

"Oh! M-M-Morning Jackie!" I heard Toby hum, from right next to me.

"Morning.." I said tiredly. "What was that..?" I asked him.

"What was what?" He asked back.

"Something touched my mask.." I said.

"Oh!" He said in a slightly panic, whispering something afterwards.

"HE WHAT..?!?" My mind went crazy.

"You what..!?!?" I asked him, with my face turning red.

"I-I-I didn't mean to!" He said Panicking.
"I mean, I d-did. BUT I THOUGHT YOU-U-U WHERE ASLEEP!... I-I-I MEAN!!" He yelled, making me cover my ears.

"Don't yell.." I said softly.

"Oh.. Sorry." He said simpaticaly.

"Why did you kisses my mask..?" I said him again, my heart starting to flutter again.

"I want him to kisses me again.." My mind told me. "How soft his lips could be.. oh so kissable.." I was pulled out of my thoughts, by the sound of a door slamming.

"Toby..?" I asked, confused.

"Ya?" He answered back.

"What was that..?" I asked again.

"Jeff was-s being annoying." He said. "I slammed th-he-e door on him." He said again.

"Oh.." I said. "Umm.. About that kiss.." I said

"Umm.." He said, I could tell he was panicking. Giving me an idea.. An idea that may or may not destroy our friendship.

"You know.. If I didn't have this mask on, I would let you kiss my lips.." I said, slightly lifting my mask.

"Then t-t-take it off!" He somewhat yelled at me, as I heard him step right in front of me.

"Is he joking..?" I thought, my heart racing.

I felt him lift my mask, just above my lips.
"Is he really going to kiss me..?!"

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