Dissipating Voice 

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*The next day*

I've been awake for 2 hours now, but I have to wait for everyone to leave the kitchen. They're way to loud for me to handle. Even with me in my room with the door close, its still almost to much.

*30 minutes later*

I finally made my way down stairs, everyone was finally off doing whatever they were doing. Making the place much quieter.

I opened the fridge, and felt around for my food. Soon grabbing a small bag, and closing the door. Just to hear..

"Hiya Jackie!"  I heard Toby say behind me. Making me drop the bag, and turn around.

"Oh umm.. Hi.." I said getting down, and feeling around for the bag. Getting back up once I had it.

"What's that-t?" He asked. I'm guessing he was talking about the bag... I just don't know if I should really say what it is.

"Umm.. meat.." I said. Half telling the truth, and half lying.

"Oh!" He said "What kind? Are-e-e *pop* you going to make bacon?! I-I love bacon!" He said, making me anxious.

"You wouldn't like it.." I answered back, deciding to quickly change the subject. "But anyways.. I wanted to ask you something.." I said.

"Oh ok! What is i-it?" He asked.

"Umm.." I said, starting to rethink.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea.." I told myself. "He'll think your terrifying.." Another voice timed in. Almost sounding just like me. "What kind of human would want to even be friends with you..!? I mean, you're holding a bag with a human heart in it..!"  The voice said again.
"Or maybe he will.. He is a murder after all.. He shouldn't care.. Right..?" I debated back with the voice, remembering I was still talking with Toby.

"I wanted to ask.. ask if you wanted to hangout with me..?" I asked him, still having the voice screaming at me.

"Of-f *pop* Course I will!" He said happily, making the voice become softer.

"Maybe you're right.." The voice said, before completely disappearing.

He grabbed hold of my empty hand. Making my heart flutter up, as he took me to a different room.

Fuzzy Feelings (Discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя