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"I don't know guys, maybe this isn't such a good idea" Michelle said as we pulled up. She couldn't have had the worse timing 
The time for doubting it would have been back in the City. Now as we pull up at Riley's house 
"Michelle, it's a little late for that" I said making her sigh

"But think about it guys, there is clearly a reason she didn't want to see us. James how did you two even end? Eldon when was the last time you spoke to her? The same goes for you West" She explained making me look at the boys shortly knowing Michelle was probably right 

Before either of us could say anything else, a car pulled up right in front of Riley's and with in a minute Riley was out of her house walking towards the car
She looked so different but yet there was something about her that proved she was still the same girl I had previously fallen in love with 

"Good morning Riley" A guy said getting out of the car, the pair exchanged a hug before the brunette leant against the car
"Morning Josh, are you ready for today?" Riley smiled making the guy nod 
"have you got the signs? I'll load them up while you get yourself ready" He offered making Riley nod as she unlocked  small shed by her front door 
"Let's get started then" Josh said as he started to put the signs into his car before Riley disappeared into the house

"Maybe we should come back later?" Eldon offered making us all nod as we slowly started to drive away 


I couldn't help but think that maybe Emily was right, maybe Riley has just moved on with her life and we going to be nothing but a memory from now on
"guys, I'm beginning to agree with Michelle, maybe we need to just head home?" I asked right as we were about to set of for Riley's again

"James, out of everyone! I thought you would be the last to give up on Riley" Eldon said making me roll my eyes before looking at him

"I'm not giving up on her, I'm giving her the space she wants man" i said but he shook his head 
"I say, we go and speak to her and go from there?" West asked
"There is no harm with that is there?" He continued, I glanced at Michelle who sighed shrugging

If she wants us to leave after that, we will but we have to at least give it a shot I guess.. 

The drive over to her house was pretty straight forward. But we were greeted with her car still nowhere to be seen, meaning she was probably still at work or wherever she went to this morning
"Hey, Can I help you?" a voice said making both Eldon and West eyes widen
"this is the second time you've pulled up today" the man asked making Michelle roll her eyes at the boy before turning to the guy at the front of the car

"We've come to visit our friend but we seem to keep missing her. We haven't told her we are here - It's sort of a surprise" Michelle said making the guy look at us slightly confused 
"Who's the friend?" he asked making Michelle nod before answering
"Riley?" She questioned 

The moment that Riley's name was mentioned, the guy instantly smiled before nodding
"Friends of Riley? Well she would be at work until late tonight, it's audition week. Let me get you the address" He said disappearing into his house

"Is it just me or are people pretty friendly out here?" Eldon asked making us laugh 
The gentlemen soon came back out and handed Michelle a small piece of paper that must have had the address on it

After exchanging a look, we all set off.
I guess it's official, we are about to see Riley?



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