Ronnie Radke

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I exhaled standing at the gate next to Ronnie, waiting for my four year old, Gabby to come running out. I had Gabby four years ago, I just happened to have a one night stand with Ronnie. I haven't told him that Gabby's his, and he wont find out.

"Mom! Ronnie!" Gabby yelled, bounding out of the door and down the pathway. "Hey kiddo!" Ronnie yelled taking Gabby in his arms. "Hey honey" I said softly, pushing her brown hair out of her eyes. "Today in class everyone was talking about their daddy's" she said. I swallowed hard. "And what did you say?" Ronnie questioned. Gabby looked down. "I don't have one" My heart broke.

Ronnie picked Gabby up and held her on his hip as we walked to the car. "I don't have a mommy, like you don't have a daddy, but we really don't need them." Gabby nodded, while I was silently crying.

* *

"Jacky, I need to tell him," I sobbed into his arms, "She looks like him a little more everyday." Jacky hushed me, "Y/N, I mean it when I say you need to tell him," he sternly said. I nodded. "What if Ronnie doesn't want a kid? Or me? Or both?" This thought hurt more than any others. "Just tell him." "Tell me what?" Ronnie stood there with Gabby by his side.

"Its nothing," I quickly said. "Y/N, I know when you're lying." Jacky took Gabby and left me and Ronnie alone. I sighed. "Well a few years ago, I had a one night stand," Ronnie nodded, his eyebrows furrowed. "And well that night," I paused, taking in a deep breath. "Me and you hooked up."

It was silent. I didn't dare speak, Ronnie stood there. "Her name is Gabby-Rae Marie Radke." I looked up to see Ronnie with a blank expression. "S-She's mine, and you haven't told me!?" he yelled, sheer anger on his face. "I-I-I'm sorry," I cried, "You're always on tour, and you'd hardly get to see her-" "Don't you even fucking speak Y/N!!" Ronnie bellowed, his hand slapping my cheek as hard as he could. I looked up at him through pained eyes to see him glaring at me before he realized what he had done, his eyes softening.

"I-I'm so sorry Y/N," he said with shock lacing his voice, not believing he resulted to hit a women, especially one that was his friend.

"Its fine I probably deserved it, you had the right to know as well as Gabby did." I sighed.

"No, nobody deserves to be hit. I'm so sorry, just I ask for one thing," he said with nothing but hope in his voice.

"Allow me to be in both yours and Gabby's life, give me a real chance, its not just a one night stand anymore, its our reality," he said hugging me.

~ ~ ~

So I used a different POV bc why not lol anyways thanks for reading. And if you haven't noticed I really only update on the weekend mainly bc I don't have time during the week because we are currently taking the PSSA's in my school and softball had started so between practices games and having the catcher from my team come to my house to catch for me I usually don't have enough time or im too lazy lol so yeah.... Thanks for reading and all that shiz at this point I don't even know if anyones reading so yeah lol

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