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Francis's pov

   As much as I wanted for the person to turn around and show who they are, they didn't. They just stood there, turned away from me fidgetting with their hands.

"You know... Sometimes I wonder... Why did Mark choose you? Why does he not sleep at night sitting here, in the lobby and waiting for you to wake up... Why does he not change his clothes? They are stained with YOUR blood." The person stated, more like talked to themselves, in a pretty high voice.

   Wait... Does Mark really care about you that much?
   Does he sit in the lobby every night while everyone is sleeping just waiting for you to wake up?
   You're a burden, you've always been one.
   To your father, you mother, your sister even.
   You're lucky enough to have friends and you still overstep?
   You're a homewrecker.

"No wonder why he chose me at some point." The voice said. Chole I thought. The person was Chole, the jealous, lick me girl who tried to steal my precious boyfriend.

"Mphmh" I tried to talk to her, I really did, but since I couldn't get a word out of my mouth, it was easier for her to play mind games with me.

"You know... Look, let's make a deal... You and your pretty sister won't go to the police station to report your mother. You and Mark will break up." Chole stated her intentions. Was she that dumb? Mark wouldn't let me go without a reason and Kady... she would simply go to the station by herself if she hasn't already. "I know what you're thinking pretty girl... Your sister has already called the police, but guess what? Not because of your mother. The gay guy who you used for clout... What a shame he got arrested and not you... And Mark... It's going to be a little bit harder. But lucky for you! I have a solution! You are going to-"

"Mhmnhp" I couldn't listen to her blabbering anymore. If she thinks I will do these things and lie to my family and friends, she has to think otherwise. I'm not going to betray them.

"QUIET! You're going to say that your beloved Ranboo sexually assaulted you." What? Why would I? No one is going to believe me.

"MPHMHP"  I attempt to shout louder and somebody probably hears me because I hear footsteps outside of the room.

"You little skunk... Wait for me... I am going to appear the moment you never expect." She whispers aggressively and vanishes out of the room. Is she Harry Potter or something? Has she got an invisibility cloak?

  I hear the footsteps come closer and closer as someone finally enters the room. I start to cry out of relief. Someone finally heard my sobs and came to rescue me from my own thoughts.

"Francis! Oh my God Francis!" I hear Clay crying out.

"Mhmhmh!" I try to ask where's Mark with my whimpers and I guess Clay understands.

"They're all sleeping, Francis. I would wake Mark up, but he hasn't slept for days, he hasn't even changed his clothes, so I think he has to rest a bit."

   I whimper in understandment (Is that even a word?) as Clay turns on the lights. My guess was correct, it's nighttime. I watch Clay come near me as I feel wet tears stream down my face. Have I always been this emotional? Clay walks to my bed as his eyes widen.

"Are you... feeling alright..?" Well except for the fact that Chole has literally threatened me to report Mark as a rapist 5 minutes ago, I'm fine Clay, thank you for asking. But me being me, only told that to myself in my mind. Not having a voice sucks. Especially for me.

"Mhm" No.


Hello!! 2 updates in 2 days, well that's new for me! This one is a little bit longer, hope you enjoy it :)

Have a great day and remember to eat and drink something <3

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