Game Start!

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"It's finally done, Min." A little boy said to the girl as he throw a Rubik's cube in the air and catch it with his left hand as his right hand was holding her left hand. His lips has a huge smile plastered on it. He wore a huge t-shirt that seems to be owned by a grown up despite having the height of a three-year old kid and also barefooted. His short hair is tied up by his sister using different colored clips and accessories.

"You're right, Nim." The little girl who has the same exact face and height as the boy agreed. Unlike the other one's expression, she seemed to shy. She's wearing a pink nightgown paired with colorful socks, contrary to the plainness the boy's clothe possess. Though she's missing the left pair of sock. Using her right hand, she's tightly hugging a brown teddy bear whose left eye was missing so as it's right leg. You can also add the fact that it's full of stitches.

"It's now time to place our playmates in there!" Nim giggled as he thought of the fun that their 'playmates' would bring them. He's very excited about the creation that he and his sister worked hard to create.

"But Nim, can we really call them as playmates?" Asked Min while tilting her head slightly. "After all, this is still what they call 'beta' version right?"

"Ah! Min is still smartest after all! Let's just call them bugs as we always do since they haven't elevated into being our 'playmates'!" the little boy smiled brightly at his idea while the little girl nodded, accepting his suggestion. Nim isn't wrong in the slightest since compare to them, humans are nothing but bugs that can easily be played or even killed at will.

Nim softly gazed his liitle sister whose holding his hands.

[Let's do that, so that I can monopolize you even a bit longer.]


Inside a room with it's light was turn off except from the lampshade near the bed, a girl with short brow hair and average face sat on her bed. She smiled gently as she stared on a floating window in front of her. It's finally time.


The text that floated in the air was just a mere one-word greeting that was coated in dark pink color accompanied by a sound that only she and nobody else near can hear.

[You had successfully became the [otome]'s Heroine!

Select a route and reach it's happy ending. Take note to make sure that you defeat/evade the [other] heroine and the villain/ess.

Time Limit: Graduation Party, the ending of the [otome]

Penalty: Cannot be specified]

This time she'll make sure that she'll be loved by everyone.


She just finished watching a video that just went viral. Well, of course, she made it viral. It can be said that the people on the scandal are practically doomed. She cringed while looking at the floating screen while she laid on the sofa.

[You had successfully became the [otome]'s Heroine!

Select a route and reach it's happy ending. Take note to make sure that you defeat/evade the [other] heroine and the villain/ess.

Time Limit: Graduation Party, the ending of the [otome]

Penalty: Cannot be specified]

Well, she rather be the villainess though. She snickered as she bet on the back her mind that capturing a few guys would just a piece of cake.


Similar cases happened all over the globe. It actually began a few weeks ago, when they first receive the 'invitation' distributed by the system. Not surprisingly, quite a lot of them thought that they are merely seeing things as the semi-transparent panel disappeared after a some times. Of course, that was the opposite of ithers whom celebrated the fact that they were 'chosen'. The fact that they are more unique than their peers to be granted this recognition.

Different roles were allocated at the chosen 'players', either the Heroine, Villainess, and so on. As long as they are essential in the game that the two outlaws had created.

Well, what they received can't really be counted as an invitation for they weren't given the choice to reject. The only button available is the 'accept' button.

But one thing is for sure, the life of these 'players' are bound to be changed. Whether it is for good or for something much worse, we still have no idea for the datas are just being inputted, the graphics are freshly finished and the events haven't started.

We don't even know what genre this 'otome game' is and all they can do is to play nd carefully pick their available choices.


Min stared at the display in front of her and shouted deliriously despite her previously shy appearance, "Game Start!"



Hello, Grace is here. This will probably the shortest chapter ( don't worry the word count for the upcoming chapters should be 1k to 2k) since it's practically just the prologue.

The atmosphere in the first volume is still light hearted as the players are still adjusting in their transmigration into their game character. (I WANNA SE BLLOOOOD! lol)

I wrote the drafts before and got cringed and bored at the part where the characters description were added. I feel like my over-details are delaying the progress of the story a bit so I'll just add their character design at the end of the chapter. One character, each chapter.

Goodbye! Don't forget to comment and vote!

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