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Y/n pov

"What the fuck is this" (Travis said) looking between Kylie and I

I felt Kylie tense up but I put my hand around her waist feeling her relax almost immediately.
Travis couldn't see what I was doing because Stassie was blocking the view which I was grateful since I don't need Kylie being called a slut or some shit by him.

"Travis I didn't know you was coming back, you said you was going on a trip" (Kylie said) taking a deep breath...is she nervous? What does he be doing to her cause she never behave like this, Was all that was running through my mind

"Yea I did but not anymore plus I wanted to be here for your moms party but seems like you had something planned other than the party" (he said) looking at me then Kylie

"We all were just chilling and drinking having some fun that's all, feel free to join" (Scott said) drinking his beer making me chuckle, Scott a fool.

"Kylie can I talk to you in private?" (Travis said) coming over to grab Kylie hand but she wasn't getting up she was just looking down.

"We can talk after the party but not right now" (Kylie said) staying seated.

"No we going to talk now let's go" (He said) making me clench my jaw.

"She said no now chill bruh" (I said) looking at him while I sip on my Henny.

"Y/n I don't want it to be no bad blood between us but this is my girl not yours so see your way out of the conversation" (Travis said) making me slowly nod then I stood up and I'm a couple of inches taller than Travis.

"Watch how you speak to me homie, I ain't your friend Remember that" (I said) in his face.

As we was staring at each other, we didn't notice the music had stopped and everyone is staring at us.

"Be honest y/n, you want Kylie don't you? She was eye candy on your arm huh? Your parents loved that you had a mogul under you huh? But you wasn't shit because she fucked me in the same bed she sleep in with you" (He said) smirking making me look down and breathe..I can lose my temper relax Y/n

"Okay and I'm over that, it was 4 years ago" (I said) making him laugh

"4 years ago, that's when you disappeared for a year right , no music, no videos ,oh wait you a pussy that couldn't take a real nigga dicking your women down, ain't you mentally unstable" (he said) making me punch him in the face, I just keep punching him until I seen blood but it didn't stop me from throwing more punches at him .

I felt people grab me off of him and pulling me towards the house.

"Let me go" (I said) calmly seeing Donnie and Ak

"I'm sorry nigga damn, we had to stop you, you was going to kill him" (Donnie said) making me pace back and forth

"We should have let it happen but you said stop her" (Ak said) shaking his head

"Let's go, I need to leave , im going to lose it and I don't have my meds" (I said) turning to leave but before I can get to the door I hear Kylie

"Where are you going? (Kylie asked) making me stop and turn around

"She needs to go home" (Donnie said) making me look at the ground

"No she can stay, you don't have to leave, Travis is stupid, and you pretty much did me favor by beating his ass" (she said) making me clench my jaw since I feel an episode coming on, I have bipolar so yes I easily get very triggered thanks to my father.

"I don't think it's a good idea, trust me she needs to go cool down" (Donnie said) trying to talk to her but One thing I can say is Kylie is very determined to keep me here so there's no changing her mind.

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