Chapter Thirty Five: Regina Mia

Start from the beginning

"You and I are polar opposites. We are not the same. The only thing we have in common is that we both married godfathers.  Don't compare yourself to me. Really, don't."

"I'm just saying, you have had the power to give it back to me and you refused! You just wanted it all to yourself!" She whines like a brat.

I try to look at Reina from many angles. Her great grandfather was a Major General. That was the last title Cooper St Patrick held. Her great grandmother was the CFO of the St Patrick Group. Her grandmother, Courtney also held prominence in the St Patrick Group. She was the CEO for over two decades. Her grandfather Christopher was a Colonel. Bruce is a five star army General. Dani also works for the government and holds significant power where her line of work is concerned. Her sister Renee is a reigning queen. Charle is married to a cartel boss. She comes from a family distinguished with success and power. She had it when she was Regina mia. She lost it. She can't get over it. It's becoming overwhelmingly obvious that this is the theme of her obsession.

"I'll assume no one has ever told you this or possibly that you're too deaf to hear. With great power comes great responsibility. With great responsibility even comes a greater accountability. A lack of accountability strips you of the privileges and note the word little girl, privileges offered to you by extension of being Marcelle's wife. This subject is over discussed and it's done."

"Why did you save me?"

"I didn't save you. I saved the mother of my grandchildren. If not for them I wouldn't give a fuck."

"So you had me abducted!"


"Is Katya working for you?"

"I don't owe you an explanation of who works for me or who doesn't."

"Did you know that Domingo, the man who had your grandson, also held me hostage?" I shrugged with no intention to agree or deny anything. "Did you know?" She slammed her palms on the table.

I narrowed my eyes at her. I can't help Reina. I really can't and I won't overextend myself. Juan is set to be the godfather and I'm thinking it will happen soon. Marcelle is about ready to step down. My focus is on Sherry.

"We are done. There's the door. Use it."

I went back to my work.

She stared at me for a solid few minutes. I know how impulsive this girl is and I have a gun taped under my desk. If she tries anything, I'll shoot her. She got up and left. I eased my hand away from it.

I found out about Domingo from Katya after she came clean and told me what she did. Raven followed the trail and we finally found out where Reina was. I didn't want to get in the way of what Lettie's mom was doing. But I also wouldn't be able to face my grandchildren and tell them that I had the power to save their mother and I didn't use it. Raven took care of Domingo. He's not my battle. That is Juan's and he will fight it himself when the time is right.

What I do is keep a delicate balance. I don't flex, I don't show off and I won't step into the light to run anything unless it is the only option left. I only show myself to a select few when it's absolutely necessary.

If Marcelle wouldn't have made a decision, I would be the godfather. I was ready but he made a decision and I stepped back into the shadows, into the background playing the silent role I have been playing for years.

It started early on as Nick's negotiator but after Zhang Liu, I promised myself I would never be that helpless again. He took advantage of me repeatedly. I was too ashamed to tell anyone. I was too scared to tell Nick. I love my husband but back then he wasn't the same man he is now. I thought of telling Marcelle. He would have taken it better. He's not like Nick. If anything Reina was fortunate to be married to such a compassionate man. But I also refrained from telling him. I decided to only say what was palatable. That he knew about me shooting Margaux. Marcelle took care of it and in a way gave me closure.

I have always been Nick's negotiator. He's not a people person and he never cares about anyone's feelings. It's not the kind of character that would help him build bridges. He knows that and he counted on me to always be he bridge that solved problems and built alliances. Nick was powerful but he was never in it for the power. He was in it to keep us on top of the game away from the skirmishes at the bottom. That was his focus. As long as things we y his way, he didn't hustle and threaten anyone. He didn't fuss about being the most powerful one in the room.

Looking back at family bloodlines, he also comes from a powerful family. His grandfather was a navy Admiral. His grandmother was a formidable CEO. Don Giovanni was strong enough to reject the position of godfather and he earned high respect and admiration for it. His mother built her success from nothing. His father was also an Admiral but other than the way Nate talks, it's hard to tell. From an early age Nick was taught how to use power and I'm glad Marcelle picked a thing or two because he hasn't let it consume him. We aim to teach Juan the same, balance.

Power corrupts. It just needs a weak mind and an ambitious heart and once it's seed are sewn, it's done. It poisons any good ambitions, turning them dark with greed for more. It causes dominance and leaves destruction at its wake.

Reina has been corrupted by power.

I'm concerned about her but I also resigned from caring beyond my limits. I won't always be there to save her. It's also important that her thinking never poisons Juan Carlos. Now that she's no longer Marcelle's wife, she will go for the next best thing. Her son. Marcelle is about to fade into the background and I don't think she wants to fade. She wants to be relevant. He wants to live quietly and peacefully. They are not at a point where they have anything but their children in common.

I picked up the phone.

"Boss." Eric answered. He's the man everyone thinks he's in charge. He does a good job at it.

"It's time for Juan to meet me."

It's important to me that Juan recognizes that I serve as a control over his power. I kept Nick in check from going beyond salvation. I was always keen on what my son is doing. Juan needs to know that there is no godfather without my backing and approval. Marcelle may pass down the title but it won't mean anything if I deem him unfit. He needs to know that I run the underworld and that includes him and for as long as I breathe, I'll be watching him.

"Yes boss." Eric answered.

I am Regina Mia.

A/n: At this point, rather from this point, the chapters are new. Totally new information going forward because i have finished recapping what was in Regina mia and the godfather.

Hope you guys are enjoying the book because I'm only getting started.

Next update, Sunday.

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