Chapter Thirteen: Come To Me

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Vittoria's POV
I have gone over the pictures repeatedly so that I can hammer the harsh reality into my mind. This is true. This has happened. Roberto has broken his promise to me. He got together with another woman. He got her pregnant. They are married. All this happened while I was saving up every penny and working hard to contribute to a wedding he knew would never happen.

How foolish have I been? I sent him some of the money after Signora Belucci took me in. I sent it to him and told him that it's for the wedding. He was already married it seems but he accepted it. We have a shared savings account for our future plans. We even wanted to buy a home together. How foolish have I been?

I have resisted Marcelle because I thought I was being as faithful as Roberto is! I have resisted Marcelle!

"Vittoria?" Signora peeped. "Can I come in? I want to talk to you."

I'm sitting on the floor still wearing my nightgown. The pictures are scattered all over the floor. When the mail cane I was surprised to see all this.  "I apologize for the mess Signora. I'll clean it up."

She used her foot to push some of the pictures out of the way.  She sat on the floor next to me. "I know how you feel. I was there once but I think it hurts more for you because you loved Roberto."

"I still love him. Why is the heart so foolish Signora? I don't understand. I can't hear my mind. I can hear my heart wailing in pain over this betrayal. It hurts very much." My tears spilled. "I interrupted you. Mi dispiace. What did you do?"

"I moved on. That is the eventual thing that I did. I moved on and I met my husband. I have never regretted it."

"But i have known Roberto for four years! I love him Signora!"

"I knew that man since I was four years old. Twenty years later, I chose another man."

I stared at her pretty hopeful blue eyes. When she rested her arm over my shoulders, I leaned into her and cried my heart out. She kept still, comforting me in silence.

I want nothing but to go to Italy so that I can see these lies with my own eyes. I want to look into Roberto's eyes and ask him why he has done this thing. I don't want to talk to his wife or even look at her. I just want to talk to Roberto because he was very aware that we are in a relationship and he slept with another.

"It is my fault Signora."

"Why would you say that?" She wiped my eyes.

Her daughters have been taking care of me. Giana was here all night. She distracted me with stories about her friends but my mind somehow managed to squeeze in the hurtful thoughts.

"Because I said no to sex."

Signora frowned at me. "What?"

"See? It's my fault."

"No. I want to understand. What do you mean?"

"I told Roberto no many times. I wanted us to have sex on our wedding night. Not before. I pushed him into another woman's arms."

"No Vee! It's not your fault. Everyone has personal rules and standards. If Roberto was finding it hard to honor your rules, he should have told you so and asked you to reevaluate. If it was hard for you, he should have ended the relationship first before engaging with another woman. That is the right way. Do not blame yourself. He should have waited."

"If I wasn't so determined to wait, he wouldn't have done this."

"If a man wants to cheat, he will even if you're perfect. It's in the mindset. Cheating is not accidental. It is a decision. Even if you gave up your rules to please him, he would have done this anyway. So don't beat yourself up and don't change who you are. I highly advise against you trying to reconnect with him. Let it go."

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