| xiii ; new years

Comincia dall'inizio

"Yuta..." Y/N muttered, lips quivering to prevent herself from sobbing out loud. Though, tears were already falling from her eyes.

"I want to be with you, Y/N. You and only you. I like you, Y/N. I like you a lot. Will you allow me to be by your side, forever and always?" Yuta asked, wiping away her tears and giving her a gentle smile.

Y/N's heart pounded the fastest it has ever been since her 16 years of living.

He likes me back, Y/N smiled to herself.

"Yes," Y/N nodded her head. "Please take care of me."

Yuta pulled Y/N into his embrace without wasting a second, his hands rubbing her back as she cried onto him. His smile never faded as he placed a gentle kiss onto the side of her head.

"Thank you, Y/N."

A soft and silent breeze whizzed by. It was cold as it was still the end of December. Just then, Yuta's phone buzzed and he looked at the notification.

New Year's!

He looked at the time where it showed it was 23:58, just two minutes before midnight.

"New Year's," Yuta whispered. "How could I forget?! Come on, we have to wake the others!"

"Don't worry, we're already awake," Maki said, sliding the shoji door open.

"What the?!" Yuta and Y/N exclaimed. "Were you three just there the entire time?!"

"Yep," Panda said while Inumaki nodded his head.

"Did you hear everything?" Y/N asked.

"Everything," Maki responded.

"Oh my god," Y/N whined as she hid her face onto Yuta's neck. "Please don't tell Gojo-sensei."

"Ehehe, I'm already here!"


"Come on, the fireworks are gonna start soon!" Gojo quickly exclaimed, dragging over Shoko and Nanami.


Everyone sat on the floor as they looked up at the dark sky with the moon shining brightly.


Gojo had his arms hung over Shoko and Nanami, bringing them way too close for their likings.


Panda made kissing motions at Yuta and Y/N, earning a good smack from the girl.


Maki nudged Y/N at her side playfully, smirking at the younger girl. Y/N's face was completely flustered from the constant teasing by her friends and her teacher.


A gentle, silent but cold breeze whizzed by. Leaves swung to the side from the force by a little before returning to its original position.


Chills ran down Y/N's spine as her hands went up to warm her arms. She was wearing her coat, but had forgotten to bring her scarf.


Yuta looked over at her, and noticed the goosebumps on her skin. Yuta removed his scarf and wrapped it around her neck, securing it so it wouldn't fall.


Y/N looked over at him, smiling as she held the scarf closer to her face.


❛ 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 ❜ ━━━ (𝗼. 𝘆𝘂𝘁𝗮)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora