Being Accepted

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Being Accepted

Part 2

Paige's POV

I looked around and saw people playing and having fun. I really wish I could have friends and be free like that. But, I'm the new girl.

I walked past the driveway and just kept walking. Mineswell know the route of the neighborhood and how to get out of it just in case. Katie ran away one time when she heard a lot of shouting in the house between mom and dad.

All of a sudden, I feel the impact of a small object. I fall down to land in the grass. I slowly saw up to see about 5 boys surrounding me. I hold my head as if it's injured and I shake my head to remove the excess grass. I blink a couple of times just to make sure I'm not dreaming or anything. These boys are cute! They were wearing some type of uniform and were looking at me with concern.

"Are you ok?" The 1st on the right asked me. He had blonde hair with brown roots which told me he dyed it. He also had baby blue eyes that almost every girl would fall for.

"Uh yeah, what was that?" I asked, dazed. "We're playing hockey in the street practicing for our game," The one next to the blonde said. He has brown hair that's completely brown. He had darker blue eyes, but he was still pretty cute.

"Shouldn't you practice on an ice rink then?" I asked, confused. Isn't that where they practice hockey? The one next to the brunette chuckled softly and said "Nope. Coach won't let us in on weekends since that's when contest or tournaments happen." The one next to the brunette had jet black hair with a little tan. But it was a slight tan. And he had sexy grey eyes.

I nodded and said "Oh, ok." Then the one next to him, the 2nd to the left, extended his hand as to help me up and I took it. He pulled me up as if I weighed nothing. This one had black hair too, but he had red on his bangs and looked sort of emo. He was really pale to. But that just made him even hotter. He had red eyes, which told me that he was wearing colored contacts.

Then, the last one, said "Ok, guys. I'll go talk with her you can continue the game. It will be even since it's 4 players now." The last one was the cutest of all. He looked sort of Korean, but more American, in a way. He had orangeish brownish hair which was really hot. His face was flawless and he chocolate brown eyes which looked so inviting.

He grabbed my had and said "Come on." And we ran and ran until the hockey game was out of sight.

I tried to pay attention to my surroundings, but it was hard with him next to me.

"So, I guess you're the new kid since I haven't seen you before. And trust me, I know EVERYONE in this neighborhood. Even the dogs and cats," He informed me. I laughed ever-so-slightly. "Yeah, I'm new," I said, not knowing what to add. Then I thought of something. "Is it nice here?" I asked. "And please tell me the truth," I added, knowing that sometimes they lie so that you can stay.

He raised an eyebrow and said "Well, it is nice, if you know the right people. I'm the captain of the hockey team and the boys there are some of my teammates. We're really sorry we hit you with the hockey puck." I nodded and looked away. "Did I do something wrong?" He said. I looked back and saw his eyes full of concern. I shook my head rapidly and said "Oh no, it's not you." "Then what is it?" He asked. 'Isn't that kinda personal?' I thought to myself.

I hesitated a bit before speaking. "Well since I'm Asian and I even SPEAK Korean and all, it's sorta weird and awkward. It's sorta a little depressing to KNOW that you're not going to be accepted. It's complicated. I'm not gonna waste your time making you feel sorry for me so I'm gonna cut it short: I know I'm not being accepted," I said, giving a long speech.

I looked away, embarrassed. I was waiting for the laugh as we passed by a yellow house. I felt a hand hold my hand and I looked to see who it was.

It was the cute guy who was next to me. I turned a bit red and had confusion all over my face. He had a sympathetic look and said "I'm Asian too, but it doesn't really look like it, does it?" I shook my head. He said "Yeah, well, I feel ya. . ." "Paige," I answered. "Right, Paige. I feel ya. But don't let that stop you from being friends with other people. I thought this would be a living hell, but it isn't. Then one day, someone gave us something that made me feel accepted, even though it was a silly gift. I have a great awesome life with my adopted parents," He said.

I gasped. "Adopted?" I asked, quietly. He nodded and said "But no one knows that but you. . . but I feel like I can share this stuff with you since you're sorta like me." And at that moment, I felt so special.

Cute popular boy liking the new Asian kid? That doesn't happen everyday. I looked at him with admiration for trusting the new girl.

"Yeah, I know, pretty stupid spilling all of it out, but I feel like we're going to be great friends," He said and he winked. I laughed and playfully slapped his arm lightly and said "Oh, definitely." And then all of a sudden, my cellphone rings.

I answer it. It's my mom telling me to come home because we're going out to dinner to celebrate moving to a new place. I sigh and shut my phone and look at him with a sad face.

I told him and he also looked sad as well. Then he said "Well, I have to ask you a question." "Yeah?" "What's your favorite kind of pie?" He asked. I was confused but answered anyway. "Apple?" I said. He nodded and said "Well, I hope you have a fun time at dinner, Paige. Oh and lemme have your phone for a sec." I nodded and gave him my phone. He put in something and handed it back. He offered to walk me home, but I declined knowing I would be bombarded with questions after he left.

He and I sprinted back to our homes and mother made me wear a fancy black silk skirt with black lace on it. I had a purple tube top and a black short leather jacket to go on top. I slipped on my black combat boots and fixed my hair up a bit and we went to the restaurant.

We found a Korean restaurant, of course. And we ate Korean food and dad paid the bill with a 20$ tip for EVERY worker that contributed to making the food, even though he told us himself he's tasted better. But I knew it was just out of his Korean respect he learned as a young boy.

When we got home, you would never BELIEVE what we found on the stairs as soon as we opened the door.


Hah, cliff hanger =D but it's not really a cliffhanger since I'm upload all three parts in one night


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