Being Accepted

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Being Accepted

Part 1

Paige's POV

"But mom! In the middle of the year?!" I yelled at her, exasperated. She gave me a sympathetic look. "Honey," She started, "Your little sister Katie is going through the same thing. Don't you think she feels bad too?" "Feels bad? She's THREE, mother, THREE!" I yelled back at her. It took all I had not too say 'effing three'. She gave me a stern look and slapped my face. "Respect!" She snapped back at me. I looked down and muttered a variety of curse words in Korean. "Now go to your room and pack up," She ordered.

I hate Korean traditions and laws. We were supposed to respect our parents. It's either in Korea or Japan. Either way, it's part of our family to teach discipline and respect. Well, they can go screw themselves. I'm going to be eighteen in 4 years since I'm 14.

I stomped up to my room. "PAIGE LANG-" I shut the door on her before she finished the sentence. I'd probably receive a lot of shiz when I get back downstairs, but oh well. I finished packing all of the stuff into my bag. I had separate cardboard boxes with all my clothes in it, my bed sheets, my CDs, and all my Korean stuff I bought from Korea when we went to visit my 할머니. It's grandmother in Korean. In English, it's spelled halmeoni. But it's pronounced WAY differently. It's like: HAY-moe-knee.

I grabbed my little Hello Kitty bag and stuffed my cellphone, iPod, and a little bit of make-up in it. And my wallet. I also stuffed my passport in there just in case. I had no idea why, though, but it made me feel comfortable.

I opened my door and went downstairs to a fuming mother. Oh, that reminds me, I had to put some make-up on the spot where she slapped me.

"Paige Lang! You don't EVER slam the door on your mother! And for that, you have to leave one thing behind before we leave," My mother ordered. My eyes widened and I said "What?! Mom! Ok, so I slammed the door on you. Doesn't give you the right to tell me what to do! I'm 14! I'm a FRESHMAN in HIGH SCHOOL! I'm practically 4 years away til I leave this he- I mean place!" Her face turned red and she tried to slap my again. But I dodged it this time and she slapped Katie who was behind me. She started crying and crying and mom's eyes widened in recognition of what she has done.

She paled and said, "Um Katie, dear, mommy didn't mean to-" "No! Go! Go! No!" She yelled. She didn't really know English that well so that's all she could say. She can say 'no', 'yes', 'stop', 'go', 'up', and 'down'. She can say 'Katie' sort of, but not that well. "Know why sis say you bad!" She accused, pointing to mom. Both mom and my eyes widened. "She can say other words?!" We both said at the same time. She nodded and said "You bad!" She pointed to mom.

I smirked as mom smiled hesitantly and I think she paled a bit more. "L-Look Katie. . . Mommy didn't mean to hit you. Mommy meant to hit Paige. Sissy! Mommy meant to hit sissy!" She said, trying to cover up her mistake. "Mommy hit sis?" She said in confusion. I smirked even bigger and she glared at me with a frustrated look. "Yes, mommy hit sis, ok? But you're not sis! You're Katie!" She said. She shook her head and said "Will be old as sis. Will hit?"

Mother paled and said "Of course not, Katie. We have to go now. Daddy is going to meet us at the new house. The moving van is here now, ok? So we have to go." 'Way to save your but, mom.' I thought. I got up and Katie said "Up!" Mom tried to pick her up but she bit mom's finger and reached out for me and smiled. I smiled back, but it didn't last long because mother slapped Katie.

"Don't you DARE bite me again!" She screeched. I rolled my eyes and picked Katie up and said "Ok, Katie! Let's go and put the stuff in the truck, ok?" She nodded and clutched onto me, giving mom a mean look. I stuck my tongue out at her and she was shaking and turning red all over. I took that as an opportunity to get the hell outta there.

I managed to get Katie and my stuff into the moving van while avoiding mom. Soon enough, it was time to leave.

I said goodbye to my friends and goodbye to my neighbors. Then I got into the moving van. I sat near the window and Katie sat between mom and I. This way mother couldn't hit me. Screw Korean traditions.

My mom and dad don't really like each other that much. I should've mentioned this earlier, but I'm in a car so I have time.

They were forced into this thing called an arranged marriage. It was set up when they turned 10. They had 6 years to get to know each other and they barely made it past the friends zone. But they were both rich so it was expected that they stay together, no matter how much they hate it. Dad is the nice one and mom is the evil witch.

Oh, we're here. That was quick. Well, I got out and saw all white people all over the place. The darkest person was a Hispanic family who had a little tan. But thank GOD that I had really light skin for an Asian. Whenever someone takes a picture, I turn out white which really helped.

I also had dark brown eyes. But I wore contacts that added a greenish tinge to my brown eyes which looked pretty weird. I also had purple highlights in my hair as well. But I'm not emo, let me tell you that now.

We got down and I carried Katie. We met my dad and we smiled widely and gave him a big hug. I could sense the stares at me as I hugged my father and greeted me in Korean. I let go and Katie greeted him as I helped mother load the things into the house. After 3 hours, we finally got everything into the house and set up. All the walls were painted and everything was spic and span. Then my mother came over and told me, "I told you that you had to get rid of something. What did you get rid of?" "Um. . ." I said hesitantly. I looked around quickly and found a sweater halmeoni gave me and said "Mother, could I make a sacrifice instead? I'll wear the sweat hamleoni gave me," I said. Well, it was better than nothing. That sweater was an embarrassment to mother that her mother, my halmeoni, gave her and she handed it down to me.

She beamed and said "Perfect punishment! Well, I'll let you go and walk around the neighborhood and try to make friends. But wear the scarf! And it comes with matching hand gloves as well." And she handed me the gloves and I slipped it and the scarf on. I didn't really care at this point.

I put on my purple shirt that matched my highlights. Then I slipped on some skinny jeans and grabbed my purple satin with black lace small bag. I transferred the stuff from my Hello Kitty bag to this bag. Then I stepped outside into the new neighborhood.


Well, I had this idea in my head and someone probably already did it but this is only going to have maybe 3 parts, maybe 2, depends on how it goes.

-I don't care how many people read it, but hopefully alot of you read it

-Hope you like it! =D I'm not Korean so sorry if I get that stuff wrong

-xXaverage girlXx

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