Taking the Plunge

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"Ehm... how long have you been here?" Bletchley asked as he came to a sudden halt the next morning and saw Ophelia already at the table, furiously scribbling away at a parchment.

She looked up at him, catching the worried look on his face, though she ignored it. He likely was reacting to how puffy her face looked after a night of crying. While she had managed to finally drag herself to her room, she barely slept as she went through every moment, trying to discover where things went wrong.

As it was, her head felt as though it were stuffed with cotton, but they needed to spend the day going over the proposal or else they really would fuck things up. The meeting with everyone was tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. sharp. So she had managed to drag herself to the shower and put on something she hoped would be somewhat presentable for a Sunday in the office and was now determined to put any and all thoughts of Charlie Weasley out of her mind for the time being.

"No that long," she said dully, looking back down at the parchment.

Leanne walked in just behind Bletchley and frowned. She started to open her mouth, but he shook his head quickly, signaling that they should get to work. The two walked over and sat down at the table, reaching for parchments and quills.

"Where's Charlie?" Leanne asked, causing Bletchley to groan and drop his head in his hands. Ophelia looked over at her.

"He's no comin'," she said firmly. "But doesnae matter. We need to finish up all the details. The sooner we have that, the sooner ye can go home."

She then looked back down at the parchment as Leanne looked over at Bletchley, the two of them clearly wondering what had happened between the two yesterday. They both knew that they had spent the day with the Weasleys.

"Now, I'm takin' care of the introduction and the conclusion. The cost analysis looks good, though... I think we need more in local benefits..."

A few hours later, Ophelia stood still as stone waiting for Bletchley or Leanne to say something

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A few hours later, Ophelia stood still as stone waiting for Bletchley or Leanne to say something. As the team leader, they had voted for her to do the final presentation and she had just run through it for the first time.

While she had a list a mile long of her own improvements, she wanted to hear what they had to say. But currently they were both killing her with their silence.

"Well... I honestly think we have nothing to worry about," Bletchley finally said, a grin appearing.

"It's a solid proposal," Leanne added. Ophelia smiled and looked down at her notes, but then frowned.

"But I think I could tighten up here... and here," she said.

She could hear the others sigh as she crossed a few things out and added a few more in. She then stepped back and looked at the parchments laid flat across the table.

There was still more work to be done, but she knew there was no reason to keep the others here any longer. It was Sunday and they likely had things to do. From this point on, it was mostly just practicing the pitch, which she could do on her own.

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