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Ophelia grumbled all the way to the club, attempting to yank down the hem of the short, silver sequined dress that Daria forced her in. It was far too short, far too bright, far too low cut and just, far too everything. Paired with the heels that Daria had procured from somewhere that Ophelia was certain was not her closet, she felt as though tonight had disaster written all over it. She was destined to trip at some point and flash her knickers to the world.

It didn't help that Daria had then sat her down and slathered on far too much makeup and then pulled her hair out of its braid, somehow managing to get it to curl. Ophelia had barely recognized herself in the mirror once her best friend was finished.

Ophelia felt like a fish out of water as they walked past the long line and Daria sauntered up to a large wizard at the front door with a clipboard.

"Table for Daria Pucey and Ophelia Wood," she said, fluttering her eyelashes.

Ophelia snorted, finding the action humorous and completely unnecessary with how the man was already ogling her. He winked and then turned his eyes to Ophelia, looking her up and down.

"You by chance related to Oliver Wood with Puddlemere United?" he asked.

Ophelia frowned and opened her mouth as though she were about to ream him out, but Daria jumped in front of her first.

"Twin sister. Now, our table, please," Daria said quickly.

He motioned them in, then waved his wand, sending off word to someone inside that they had arrived.

Daria grabbed Ophelia's hand and dragged her inside where they were immediately hit by the loudest music in possibly the world. Daria's eyes lit up as they stood in there a moment, taking it in, though Ophelia was already starting to feel overwhelmed. Merlin, she was going to need something strong to drink if she intended to make it through the night. A tall man in expensive robes walked up to them, a smirk on his face.

"Daria, darling," he drawled as he kissed each cheek. "You look ravishing."

"Thank you, Joseph," she cooed. She then looked back at Ophelia. "This is my best friend that I was telling you about."

"Ophelia Wood, charmed," he said, holding his hand out. Ophelia stared at it a moment before taking it, but before she could shake, he lifted it up and kissed the back of her hand. "Now, if you'll follow me..."

He then turned and started walking off, Daria looping her arm through Ophelia's as they made their way through the people towards a VIP balcony.

"We are going to have so much fun tonight..."

Ophelia found herself swaying to the music in her chair as she sipped at whatever drink Daria had made up for her and looked over the balcony at the dance floor below

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Ophelia found herself swaying to the music in her chair as she sipped at whatever drink Daria had made up for her and looked over the balcony at the dance floor below. Apparently, the table came with a number of bottles of alcohol and chasers. After a few drinks, Ophelia began relaxing and wondering why she had been so nervous about coming out tonight.

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