Taking the Mickey

Start from the beginning

Already Ophelia's stomach was protesting loudly as the smell wafted over to her.

"As much as I hoped to get you and Flint together, I have to admit I'm grateful you found Weasley," Bletchley said, already reaching into a bag for a container. Ophelia blushed slightly as Charlie winked at her. "Merlin, can't believe I said that about a Weasley."

He then stopped, his eyes widening as he looked up at the burly man. He gulped and backed away a bit.

"Suppose you're not so bad for a Slytherin," Charlie quipped in return. Bletchley laughed nervously and then walked over to sit down, already digging into his food. Charlie walked over, holding out a container to Ophelia. "What are you working on?"

"Going over the layout for the main camp," she said, looking back down at the parchments. "Something just... feels off with it, but I'm no so sure what it is. Feels like I've been starin' at it for hours."

Charlie leaned over her side, one hand bracing against the table next to her while the other came to rest on her upper back. Even though they were in a room with others, Ophelia couldn't help the shiver that ran down her spine.

"Right... I see what you're talking about. What if we..." he stopped speaking as he reached over for a pencil and started drawing, his other hand leaving her back.

Ophelia sat up in her chair, her eyes widening slightly as she watched him rework the plans.

"Charlie Weasley, what other talents are ye hiding?" she asked, glancing up at him. He smiled, though she noticed he was blushing slightly.

"There's a fair bit of downtime on the reserve," he said. "You pick up things."

Ophelia chuckled and looked back down at the plans.

"Ye think ye could go over some of the plans for the enclosures and habitats wi' me?" she asked.

"Sure," he replied. Ophelia turned in her chair, looking up at him.

"Ye are most definitely savin' our lives," she said gratefully.

"Just giving a bit extra help is all," Charlie said, scratching the back of his neck as his blush deepened.

"Stop being so modest. I swear, you two were made for each other," Bletchley said, his mouth full of food.

Ophelia looked over at him and chuckled, but mostly so she didn't have to look at Charlie, sure that she was now blushing as well. She then turned back to the plans.

"Well, let's post these up and then start on the rest," she said, standing.

"Post these up and then eat," Charlie ordered. "We can get to the rest of it once your stomach stops growling like a dragon."

She glanced at him, a smile tugging at her lips.

"Fine," she said, grabbing her wand and waving it.

The plan rose into the air and attached itself to the wall, next to others laying out other details they would need for the proposal. Ophelia then stepped back and looked it over. It was true everything was coming together, it still felt there was so much to do before they were ready to present the following Monday morning.

Merlin, was it already that soon? She couldn't help as a spike of anxiety coursed through her. How would they ever be ready for this?

"Ah, how is my favorite team doing?" Mr. Larkins asked as he walked into the conference room with a warm smile.

Ophelia felt her nerves increase as she looked around at the absolute mess they had created, though her boss casually walked over to the wall and started looking over everything.

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