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Meetings took up most of Harry's day, and often into the night. Mirabelle would wake him up and list off all of the meetings he would have to attend, and that seemed to ruin his mood. Today, though, Mirabelle danced into the room humming as Harry sipped his blood-infused coffee. Today was the day of the charity ball, so Harry's suit was being steamed as she read off the list of meetings he would be attending beforehand.

"Your Majesty, your suit is so beautiful. I guess it did turn out better than the first one I had picked." Mirabelle admitted. She often helped the king decide his outfits, but it had been a long time since she had to do that. Now, she was smoothing out the diamond-encrusted black suit, being extra careful not to damage it.

If Harry was going to show up, he was going to show out and look amazing. He was a sucker for a fancy suit and boots with a bit of a heel on them. It was definitely going to get hot, so Harry didn't plan on fully buttoning the black shirt underneath. He loved his skin, the tattoos, and the muscles he spent a very long time building up. Since he could heal himself, he could removed the tattoos anytime he'd like. There were only a few, and most people would never see them since he always wore pants and long sleeves.

"This morning you have a meeting with Mr. Liam Payne. If you don't remember, he's a representative from the Vampire-Human alliance. We have rescheduled all of your other meetings for another day so you can have time to relax and prepare for the ball tonight." A heavy sigh escaped Harry's lips as he stood and allowed Mirabelle to dress him.

Harry found himself sighing frequently in his office as he waited for Payne to arrive. The man was always on time, but Harry was frequently much earlier than he needed to be, and that always seemed to make the people he'd meet with uncomfortable. He was scrolling through his phone, trying to not laugh at the humans and their silly posts. Often times he'd come across pages dedicated to him, and that felt weird yet intriguing.

"Good morning, Your Majesty!" A cheerful voice called. Harry stood to shake the hand of Mr. Payne, who seemed rather excited for this meeting.

Harry made a bit of small talk as they sat down and got comfortable, but Mr. Payne seemed in a rush to get to the point. He was shifting in his seat frequently as Harry gave his report of how the vampires were acting. Harry noticed this and decided to talk slower to mess with the antsy Payne.

"It seems like you have something you'd like to say." Harry finally spoke, interrupting Liam as he spoke. The man shut up immediately, excited to finally get to say his piece. If the vampire wanted to, he could read Liam's mind and ruin all of the fun and excitement, but he was trying to be nicer to the humans. Liam pulled his briefcase from the floor and pulled out a newspaper from a few days ago.

Harry's eyes narrowed as he caught a glimpse of his name in bold print. Liam noticed and began to explain before Harry could get upset, "There are rumors that you are taking interest in a human for a potential partner! This is excellent news and will do wonders for our alliance!"

"I do not know who published this article but it is entirely untrue. A human leader came to my home to pitch his daughter as a potential partner but it was a strong no from me. I have no interest in taking the life of a human for my own personal gain." Harry snapped, ripping the paper from Liam's hands as he read the name of the writer.

"Oliver!" Harry called. He rolled the newspaper up and tossed it the man as soon as he entered the room. "I want every person involved with this article in my office tomorrow morning for a discussion. Have NDA's signed and ready before I'm even there. I have some talking to do with those morons."

Oliver nodded, exiting the room without a word. It would take some investigation to figure out who all was involved in this. He knew he'd have to bring King Tomlinson in as well, considering he probably started the rumors in the first place. Oliver shook his head in pity, knowing full well that his Lord would never take an interest in a human romantically. He may have been a human in the past, but his old self didn't seem to exist anymore. Harry's old self died once he started plotting the murder of his father in great detail.

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