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After his fun meeting with King Tomlinson, Harry spent the rest of his day planning his outfit to the charity ball. He rarely attended highly publicized events, but this time it was different. His maid was certainly excited for the chance for Harry to meet a possible suitor. She griped at him as she was taking his measurements, trying to teach Harry how to be friendly. The vampire certainly had a large ego that was made quite know to everyone else.

"We all know you're the most powerful man in the world, Your Majesty. Everyone there will probably bow to you as soon as you walk in." Mirabelle lectured as she was measured his waist. "I know you are a very kind and caring man underneath this proud exterior, but you need to let a little bit of it out."

A worried look crossed Harry's face. He preferred his cold exterior. Being nice got him no where when he first started, and had to instill fear in the world leaders in order for them to respect him as a person. They all made fun of him for only being a child, and accused him of hiring a team to terminate his father. They learned quickly that this was untrue. Harry flashed a few of his powers off, which took many by surprise.

The meeting was held at the Styles castle. Everyone was in the large dining room, drinking whiskey and munching on the charcuterie board Harry's staff had laid out for the men. Everyone was laughing heartily, making jokes about Harry's age and how they didn't believe for a minute the young boy was capable of killing his ruthless father. The maids straightened up as the doors opened and bowed as their new king entered the room.

Everyone became silent, taking in the sight of young Harry before snickers and whispers took over the silence. Harry tried to be nice as he walked over to his place at the dinner table. He sat down, quickly realizing the royalty surrounding him were treating this as a social gathering rather than an important meeting. Harry made eye contact with Oliver, who shrugged his shoulders and mouthed the words 'do what you need to do'.

Harry stood before slamming his fist down on the table, which resulted in it splitting practically in half. All of the men were certainly stunned as the food and drinks slammed to the ground. Harry sat back down, unfazed by the stares he was receiving.

"I didn't want to have to resort to this sort of thing but you have left me no choice." Harry started off, wiping a drop of wine from his pants. "I thought it would reasonable for men of your class to be respectful, but I'll never make that mistake again."

One man jumped from his seat, his chubby cheeks red with embarrassment. "I don't know who you think you are, boy. I could have you killed in less than an hour!"

The surrounding men grumbled in agreement. Some men chuckled as they talked eagerly about how powerful they were. A hearty laugh escaped Harry's lips as he stood and walked towards the balding man. The man still looked smug as his friends seemed to cheer him on. Standing up to the supposed vampire king was definitely brave.

"You are in my home, and you will respect me." Harry snarled. He was eerily calm in demeanor, compared to the man who had still not broken from his confidence.

The man stood, using his large hands to push Harry backwards. Harry didn't move an inch but all of the men still cheered him on. Harry remembered even Mark had a small smirk upon his lips as he watched the men with crossed arms. Everyone was whispering to one another, predicting how this would go. Would Harry attack the man, proving their beliefs that Vampires are low-life creatures who always resort to violence?

Without thinking, the man went to push Harry again, his confidence at an all time high. Harry again, didn't move despite the man putting his whole body into the shove. An awkward laugh escaped his mouth. "Come on, kid. Don't take yourself so seriously. You aren't ready for this, you're just a kid. You've got a long life ahead of you, so don't give me a reason to end it."

The Prince - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now