A look of realization came over his face as he stepped back and rubbed it with his hand, a slight groan coming from his lips.

"You can't listen to everything Adara says," he started.

"Oh, save it, Weasley," Ophelia spat. "I saw ye with her last night!"

His face froze in shock before he took a step towards her.

"I can explain-"

"Oh, shut it! I dinnae want to hear yer excuses!"

She then spun on her heels, stomping off a bit before pulling out her wand and apparating to her cabin. Just as soon as she arrived, it was as though the heavens opened up and hell fell out.

The wind was howling as rain pelted the roof and thunder and lightning cracked through the sky. Ophelia shouted in anger as she stomped her feet. Yes, it was childish, but she was in the comfort of her cabin, so she didn't much mind it.

How dare he? Going on with all those other women and then having the gall to tell her that she shouldn't listen to Adara, especially after she saw him kiss her and then pull her into his cabin. The absolute nerve. But at least she knew now before she made an absolute fool of herself with him.

Walking over to the stove, Ophelia waved her wand, starting up some tea in the hopes it would calm her down. She pulled off her coat and hung it up, then paced around the small room a bit more.

Once the tea was ready, she took her mug to the table and figured she would at least get some work done while she was holed up inside for the night.

Ophelia wasn't sure how long she had been working, but her tea had long gone cold and she still hadn't made much of a dent in her stack of paperwork - mostly due to the fact that she couldn't concentrate on it to save her life. It had gotten dark rather early because of the storm, so she wasn't even sure how late it was either.

But she definitely was not happy when someone pounded on her door. She stood and walked over, pulling it open and immediately glaring when she saw Charlie standing there, soaked through.

"I'm no in the mood," she spat, starting to shut the door.

"It's Colonel," he shouted, putting his hand up to stop the door. "He's not in his cave and I'm not sure where he is."

Ophelia's heart nearly stopped as she took in the storm outside. With his injured wing and leg, there was no way he could fly to safety. Without a word, she spun around and grabbed her coat and wand, then rushed back to Charlie.

"Where would he go?" she asked, tugging on her coat as she shut the door. She stopped on the porch as she looked out at the storm. Even though the porch was covered, she was already getting wet from the rain blowing all about.

"There's a few spots off hand," Charlie said, grabbing her hand. "We'll start there and then see."

Without giving her a chance to answer, they disappeared.

Without giving her a chance to answer, they disappeared

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