“Did you move?” He asks, looking around at the place.

“No, this is still Angela and Harrison’s place. They aren’t here right now and I thought this would give us some privacy so we don’t become the next big thing that is talked about at the book club that we know isn’t really a book club.”

“Some things never change, huh?”

I shake my head and giggle, “Not in the slightest. Do you want something to drink?”

“Nah, I’m good. I ordered a meatball sub from the diner, do you want to share? It has extra banana peppers and everything.”

“I better not. You can eat if you want though, I don’t mind.”

We take a seat at the dining room table and Cody proceeds to open up his sandwich. I hope he can’t hear the sounds of my stomach crying out in hunger. As much as I would love one of the diner’s meatball subs, I can’t be so casual with him right now, it just doesn’t feel right.

“So,” I finally ask after he’s taken a few bites, “Are you going to address the elephant in the room? Did you come here to hand those court papers to me directly?”

“What court papers?” he raises his eyebrow up.

“Have you forgotten already that you threatened to take me to court for custody for this summer?”

He cringes at my words, “Shit, Blair, I totally forgot that I said that to you. I didn’t mean that. I’d never drag you to court for anything, you know that, don’t you?”

“Yes, Cody. I was calling your bluff from the beginning of the conversation. Throughout all these years you’ve never done anything so harsh and I didn’t expect you to start now.”

“Good. Listen, I’m sorry about that whole exchange. I was out of line. I’m just full of shit excuses, but things have been stressful lately and I realized that I was going to miss out on the final summer before Hayes turned eighteen and it just hit me a little harder than it should have. I took that out on you and that wasn’t fair of me.”

“I appreciate the apology. Summers were always your thing and I can’t imagine what it must be like to have those end just like that. Have the two of you talked about spending time together? He’s doing this camp and then he’ll be taking early classes, but I’m sure he’d take some time to fly to Houston, even if just for an extended weekend.”

“I’m embarrassed to admit that Hayes and I haven’t talked much since graduation. I’m in the middle of contract negotiations with my bigger clients and trying to sign new athletes who are graduating college. Everything is just kind of a shitshow right now.”

“Yet here you are, sitting at my best friend’s kitchen table in the middle of the workday.”

“Yeah, I guess that is right.” I stay silent, letting him take the lead since I’ve already asked a few times why he’s here. “I needed a change in scenery, I guess is the easiest way to explain it.”

“And you picked Strawberry?” I asked with a snort. “No offense, but if I needed to escape and clear my head I’d be picking someplace tropical.”

“Are you sure it wouldn’t be Italy? Or is that no longer on your bucket list?”

“Italy is still on my list, but if I needed a change of pace that would mean slowing down and relaxing. My days in Italy will be spent walking around to every bakery, cafe, restaurant, and vineyard I can find. There will be no rest.”

“I’m sorry I never ended up taking you,” he says with so much sincerity in his voice.

“Things happen, Cody. We were young and you needed to concentrate on your career, not some silly carb-loaded dream I had.”

He shakes his head, “I should have cared about your dreams too.”

“That is neither here nor there now. Whether I make it to Italy is going to be my own responsibility now, not yours. Anyway,” I quickly change the subject because this is getting uncomfortable for me, “how long are you in town? Hayes is going to be thrilled to see you so soon again.”

“I don’t have any definitive plans.”

“What about work?”

“I’ve taken up residence in one of the guest rooms at my parent’s place.”

“Oh. How long have you been here already?”

“Almost a week.”

“Cody!” I chastise, “you’ve been here almost a week and you haven’t done so much as even text our son? Jesus.”

“I know! He’s been busy though and I didn’t want to pull his attention away from this fire camp thing. He’ll understand.”

“You need to call him tonight. Go do something with him, please.”

“I will. I promise.”

I nod my head and lean back into my chair, watching Cody finish off his sandwich. He still makes the same noises that he always did when he’s really into a meal, something that I’ve noticed Hayes does too. A trip down memory lane is not what I need right now. I’m more than happy to be as supportive as I need to be for the sake of our son, but a friendship with the only man to ever hold ownership of my heart is not something I think I’ll ever be ready for.

Strawberry Wine (Strawberry Inn Book #2) Where stories live. Discover now